Site almost ready

Last Update: March 24, 2010

I have been working steadily on my new website and have made what I 
think is an important decission, I am going to Market my brand as
Bluestreeek. It will be my goal to get this word to #1 on google in less than
a year. I am telling myself I CAN DO IT!

Soon Blustreeks Abundand Universe will be live. At my current pace it will
likely take me another week. I have been able to get 4+ hrs a week. I think
I need 4 to 6 more hrs to get it to the point I want it to start with.

There is so much to do. Well mabey I am just so slow at it. LOL. I am at
the begining of understanding how to use Site Rubix. Things are starting
to flow a little smoother now. Yea. 

May the Blessings Be

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Slugger_mn Premium
It gets better as time goes on.. and time does go fast.. haha