The website

Last Update: March 07, 2010

I am slowly working on building a website with site rubix. Seems like 
every thing that I am doing is leading back to the need to have a website.

I suck at building a website. It just doesn't seem right. Well I am going to 
get it done anyway and just put it out there and tweek it later I suppose.

Some of the training here comes pretty easy and some of it does not.
For me the website is one of those things that is very difficult to master.

On a side note I am strating to fell more comfortable with writing articles.
So that is great.

May the Blessings Be. 

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Abundantlife Premium
Thanks for the offer, I did go to weebly, and will have to check out yola. I am deep into site rubix right now and want to get it published in the next week or so. Thanks for the additional info.