Things are getting tough

Last Update: March 20, 2010

Wow it is really getting hard to devote time to the Business. I just started a 
2nd part time job. ( I need the cash flow ) So I am have some difficulty in
finding time to work the buisness.

I Have been working Traffic exchanges for a little while and the click through
has been encouraging, However the conversion to sailes is just not being
seen at this time. I am somewhat dissapointed by that. All my free Ad stuff
is not showing much in the way of any traffic. Also my articles do not pull
any numbers either. This is very frustrating. I guess I need to get 250 of the
supper spiffy articles out there. This sure is slow building.

I remain hopefull that it is just a matter of time, since I cannot do anything
with $ yet, ( hence the need for the 2nd part time job.  :( )

Maybe someone out there will have some advice about traffic exchanges. 
May the blessings be

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Slugger_mn Premium
Just keep getting good content out there under low competition keywords that get traffic... Sales will follow(:
martinact420 Premium
I would recomend that you "refine" your keywords for less competition. You dont need anything special to make it with articles, just good low comp keywords. Forget about Traffic Exchanges cause they're all BS. You gotta get organic google traffic for articles and the only way to do that is thru keywords, keywords, and more keywords and research. Dig deeper bro.
martinact420 Premium
I would recomend that you "refine" your keywords for less competition. You dont need anything special to make it with articles, just good low comp keywords. Dig deeper bro.
jatdebeaune Premium
You just described the biggest challenge to IM before it takes hold and provides an income. Eating is a good habit, so you have to do what you have to do.
kadcpp Premium
Things are tough all over my friend! Hang in there and keep trying I believe we will eventually get it if we figure out what we are doing wrong or stumble upon a winning strategy that we can copy.