Ye Ha at last

Last Update: April 07, 2010

After several hrs of struggle I finally figured out what the heck I was doing
wrong on site matrix that would not allow me to put in my links and banners.

The dam little button on top that has HTML or TEXT??? This little button was
the key I missunderstood. I thought that what it SHOWED was the mode I 
was in for that cell I was working in. BUZZ!! WRONG!!! It is the opposite.
Dam... So now I understand that the button mean change to whatever is
showing.  Is it just me or does that seem backward??!! Maybe I am just not
to frigging bright. I was just using the little green " + " sign at the bottom right
of the window, and sellecting HTML..

At least I solved the mistery. And the kicker is that there is not a dam thing
mentioned in the Q and A section or any tutorials that I found.

Maybe if I put something up in the forum about that, it can be added to the

May the blessings Be

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