Posts by Abz89 5
Hey guys I was reading the news today and stumbled upon this article, if you read to the bottom it quotes "The jury heard that the conmen paid Google about £400,000 to make sure their company, Xclusive, came top when people searched for tickets online."    I try not to be demoralised by this, I don't know all the facts. But how can google continue to let this continue when criminals are exploiting it ? Let's hope not for long. Original Article : Much Love
July 04, 2011
Hey Guys,            I have a favour to ask, I am asking people to visit my website and give me feedback. I have reached a brick wall and am unsure where to take my site next.    I plan for it to continue to grow as a blog and information site. Any comments or ideas would be greatly recieved and I would be willing to repay the favour. Check it out here :  Many Thanks Abz x
June 28, 2011
  Hello World of Wealthy Affiliates   I am frankly getting annoyed with Wordpress, I'm not doubting its usefulness. I'm just fed up of having a great website layout idea and not being able to find a good theme. Maybe I'm being a bit lazy just flicking through them, but I'm no coder so wouldn't know how to make a site properly. Tonight I'm gonna be brave and try out Site Rubix and see how I get on. Any little tips people could give me would be appreciated.  Never Give Up, Never Gi
1 comment
May 25, 2011
Yay !  I'm doing a little happy dance in my chair.  I recieved some comments and positive feedback on my site for its content. I know it's not a sale but Im on the right track ! Right, now I've gotten that out of my system, Back to work. Abz x Todays Thoughts: "Talent is cheaper than salt. What seperates the talented individual  from the successful one is alot of hard work" Stephen King, American Writer.
May 13, 2011
Today I started my daily routine as normal. Get woken up by hungry baby, feed wash clothe and rock baby to sleep again. But instead of wasting my few precious hours mindlessly surfing, today I had direction. I grab a pad of paper and a pen and start working through my training.    I ended up reading through it three times. Now I have three days to come up with something. I now trudge through the forums looking for some inspiration. I have so many ideas buzzing around my head I don't kn