Day 1.

Last Update: May 25, 2011

Today I started my daily routine as normal. Get woken up by hungry baby, feed wash clothe and rock baby to sleep again. But instead of wasting my few precious hours mindlessly surfing, today I had direction. I grab a pad of paper and a pen and start working through my training. 

  I ended up reading through it three times. Now I have three days to come up with something. I now trudge through the forums looking for some inspiration. I have so many ideas buzzing around my head I don't know what to start with. I realised that this was my problem, too many ideas jostling for attention in my head. All could be good or even great, but I need something to start with. One idea is the most distracting.

I decided to go with my vice first. Video games. 

  I love gaming. I love making games. 

I get some good keyword research out of it and head to godaddy. My new site is now registered and Im starting to write some basic content now. I know that this site probably won't succeed, but I need to get it out of my system before I can learn which ideas are gold and which are just my own fantasies.

Thought of Today:

"only in our dreams are we free. The rest of the time we need wages" Terry Pratchett, British Novelist


Much Love




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