Some Feedback Please

Last Update: July 04, 2011

Hey Guys,

           I have a favour to ask, I am asking people to visit my website and give me feedback. I have reached a brick wall and am unsure where to take my site next. 

  I plan for it to continue to grow as a blog and information site. Any comments or ideas would be greatly recieved and I would be willing to repay the favour.

Check it out here :

 Many Thanks

Abz x

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OnlineFactory Premium
I liked your site. Perhaps you could write up the Gaming Advice post into maybe a 5 page report and give it away. Then spotlight FREE GIVEAWAY or some such in an eye-catching way. I love freebies and maybe it would incline people to sign up and follow you.
magistudio Premium Plus
Gamers are typically visual creatures, so if you were to add more images within your posts - I'm guessing folks would respond to it more.. :)