Posts by Advancing Carole 4
Hi Guys, I shall be leaving WA in a few days as I have decided to concentrate on an off-line biz that I have started -  I need to focus on one main thing So, thank you all for your support and sharing of knowledge come and find me on Facebook if you like? [Carole Marek] cheers! Carole
September 15, 2010
"It's in people's heads, there's this curse, this mentality with English people, that they just can't win. self-belief is incredibly important, in fact, it's everything" John McEnroe   Wow! that's a statement and a half isn't it? First of all I would like to emphasize that personally, I believe John is referring to the main culture in this country. There are many people from other cultures in the UK [some of whom I have the priviledge to call my friends] who have extremely po
September 11, 2010
This is the blog I intended to post this morning but could not due to server problems so, better late than never! :      I am sure that today our thoughts in the UK are with our friends in the States. In these early years of the 21st Century communities like ours are even more important. Wherever you find diverse groups coming together to support and help each other there will be inspiration for others to emulate the behaviour. To a more enlightened future  &n
September 07, 2010
"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs" Henry Ford The great thing about doing this is that not only does it make achieving a goal seem less daunting but being able to 'tick' actions as they are completed provides a sense of accomplishment; what I call 'tasting success'. If we do just one thing each day that will move us closer to our goal then in no time at all we will find that the goal takes on a momentum of it's own. The persistence factor. This is