Motivation and Encouragement

Last Update: September 07, 2010

"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs"

Henry Ford

The great thing about doing this is that not only does it make achieving a goal seem less daunting but being able to 'tick' actions as they are completed provides a sense of accomplishment; what I call 'tasting success'. If we do just one thing each day that will move us closer to our goal then in no time at all we will find that the goal takes on a momentum of it's own. The persistence factor. This is the power of baby steps.

If we only define success as achieving the whole goal then we miss out on numerous opportunities to feel that we are achieving and moving forward in life. By seeing ourselves as already successful, but with room for improvement we are likely to accomplish more.


"Passionate about people succeeding"



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Adi2008 Premium
Thanks Carole, great post. It reminded me of the question: How do you eat an elephant? One chunk at a time.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Carole for sharing your excellent blog! I agree 100%, each small success leads to the next. You will be amazed where your career will be one short year from now.
famousplumber Premium
Good stuff, Carole!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Carole. I agree. Welcome, btw.