
Last Update: September 15, 2010

"It's in people's heads, there's this curse,

this mentality with English people, that they just can't win.

self-belief is incredibly important, in fact, it's everything"

John McEnroe


Wow! that's a statement and a half isn't it?

First of all I would like to emphasize that personally, I believe John is referring to the main culture in this country. There are many people from other cultures in the UK [some of whom I have the priviledge to call my friends] who have extremely positive mindsets and great self-belief.

Now, as for the others - Time and again I identify  my clients lack of self-belief as being the main obstacle to their moving on in life [ many of my clients are unemployed]. I do appreciate though that whatever struggle a person is experiencing it can be difficult to truly believe  it can be overcome. But not impossible.

There are two aspects to creating the level of self-belief necesssary to make the changes required:

  • Believing that the change can happen.
  • Believing that the change will happen.

Many people manage to adopt the first but then struggle with the second. Here is a suggestion that can help:

Instead of sole focus on the end goal, focus as well on each step towards that goal and work on the belief that this step will happen. Please see previous Blog "Motivation and Encouragement". It is so much easier to believe that the next step will happen than something that might be far- removed from  present reality.

For example, many of us want to create financial freedom through Internet Marketing. How much more believable is it [certainly at the Newbie stage] to make $10 per day from Internet Marketing? Then, once this is achieved, set the next financial goal, and the next and the next and so on.

Then as self-belief increases, so too will the leap between $ steps because there is a trail of evidence now to prove that this works. The effect is cummulative.

So, what is the next 'baby-step' for you to grow self-belief around?

Let me know what you think, please


"Passionate About People Succeeding"



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    Recent messages
    Is this true about English people? Well sadly, in my experience yes. I had not thought it to be true of Americans also but, hey, it's one aspect of being human.
    I also cannot 'get enough of this stuff ' and gain great pleasure from sharing it.
    Ezinewriter Premium
    Yes, Carole! Belief is everything as John McEnroe says. And I am sure he knows what is talking about. I have been very much involved with self-development since April of 2006 and it just changed my life.

    I grew up around people full of talents but who had no belief in themselves what-so-ever, and therefore their success had been very limitted to say the list.

    I remember, years and years before I even heard the words law of attraction, self-belief and the like, I couldn't understand WHY those people had no more gutts. What I didn't know is that they were lacking just that. The belief that they could achieve great things, if only they had it.
    jatdebeaune Premium
    Yes Carole, you have to get your subconscious mind to accept that you will achieve whatever you are going after. If you can "accept" that you will earn $10 a day, then you will. If you can accept that you will earn $500 a day, then you will. You have to accept the premise and then allow it to happen. Tricky. Wonderful post. Thank you. I can't hear or read this information enough. Is that true about English people? It's true about many Americans too.