About Af7ermath
Joined April 2010
Hey everyone i uess this is where i tell you my story, well it all began alittle over 19 years ago when my mom was... jusk kidding guys i am a 19 year old finishing up my freshmen year of college. I have always been interested in making money. At a young age i used to by packs of bubble yum and sell them individualy to my class mates to make some money, of course this didnt go ever well with the teacher but heck i made $5 off of a pack of gum that cost me less than a dollar.

Recently i have been looking into ways i can make a little extra cash on the side, so i started marketing using squidoo and clickbank, and ofcourse i have no idea what im doing really so i havent made any money yet but i found wealthy affiliate and i am going to work my but off to make some money.
Af7ermath's Accomplishments

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Tans Premium
This is a great site to help with the clickbank use etc. It can get really confusing. Welcome to WA.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
music_mom30 Premium
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jimmy Massey Premium
Welcome to WA,

My name is Jimmy Massey,

If there is anything I can help you with please feel FREE to send a message.