How to Turn Failure Into Lemonade

Last Update: July 16, 2010

 Thomas Edison <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

 "Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing."

Let me tell you a little about me 

I am currently sitting in a hot vacant dorm which I am supposed to be painting. I am sweating my butt off because I have spent the last 4 hours working, but I haven’t been painting.

What have I been doing?

I’m glad you asked haha it’s funny really I am being payed as a student worker to build my first website :) tehehe don’t tell my supervisor though he might be a little angry.

(p.s. the building is only a year old it doesn’t need paint anyways :D)

Ok enough about what I’m doing let’s talk about what I have done

I started internet marketing back in late March, and since then i have succeeded in failing with over 5 different campaigns.

In total ive "wasted" probably 200 or more hours of research, writing, and back linking.

I put wasted in quotes because that is what I am told I am doing with my time.

But Thomas Edison also once said "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

 This is how you must look at failure

If you get frustrated when you fail you have to remember its not a wasted effort, because you have just learned a way to not make lemonade

Ok JJ that doesn’t make any sense?

This may sound a little crazy but, In learning to not make lemonade you are fine-tuning your lemonade making skills and soon you will have the best lemonade stand in all of So Cal (or on the internet wink wink)

What this means is DONT GIVE UP!

I have spent the past 2 weeks building my first piece of internet realty, my first website. I was sick of writing articles and only making ezine money, sick of hubpages telling me I can’t do certain things, and sick of squidoo taking 40% or whatever it is of adsense profit.

So I did it, I bought a domain and hosting and now I have a beautiful functioning website.

Its number one on yahoo for its targeted term and I’m working on Google right now :D

I’m Still a work in progress, heck I’ve only made about 97 cents on the internet, but I bet I can afford a nice and cool glass of lemonade with that :D

Happy marketing

p.s. Thanks for talking to me about my website last night Travis I'm a huge fan, I hope to hang out with you guys in Vegas one of these years 

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iFaith Premium
No work is wasted effort if you leverage on it to move you in the direction of your goal/s. So true! Thanks for the Edison quote.