Why Isnt This working?

Last Update: July 18, 2010

Why Isn't This Working?


This question runs through my head on a daily basis. Why aren't I making thousands a day? I work hard, I write lots of articles, I back link day in and day out, WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?!


I know you were probably expecting me to tell you why it isn't working, but to tell you the truth I don't really know.

What I do know is!

I will not stop, I will not quit, I will not be beaten, If I don't make money this month, then next month it is, and if I don't make money next month then I will keep learning and keep working until I finally do.

If you take action you will not fail

This applies to everything, it is impossible to fail if you do not give up

If there is anyone new who is following me who would like some mentoring please send me a pm I would love to help as much as possible.

I know it is tough when you are first starting 

thanks for reading be back soon

Happy Marketing


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NEA03 Premium
Do you have a list? I'm currently working on building one before I start writing more articles. I've read people saying in the forum they wish they would've built a list earlier. As they say, the money is in the list. You can contact these people over and over again.
aRBie Premium
Taking action is only the first step in taking action!

1. Have a plan for the action you take. Take Action.
2. See if the plan is working if not take action to change.
3. Change the plan and take action on that plan.
4. See if the new plan is working...etc.

Your back-linking may or may not be the solution to your problem. You Must remember there are two words in Internet Marketing. Build it and they will come, is for the movies. Many people concentrate on the Internet Part, Websites, backlinks, seo, etc. Don't forget the Marketing. We are not the Internet but we are all Marketers. If you are not giving people compelling reasons to buy with a strong call to action they won't.
iFaith Premium
That's the spirit! Take action and test for greater conversions - little tweak here and there. Good job and keep going!
Wow, PhBreez, it sounds like you have the beginnings of a product of your own to market and get power affiliates marketing for you. I'd be interested in your tips for making a squidoo lens in less than an hour, as I plan to throw one up very soon.

Af7ermath, hope you get to make your thousands soon. Out of curiosity, are you making anything now, like 10s or hundreds? It's not zero, right? I'd be willing to take a look at your campaign and see if I can spot anything you might have missed. I'm new so I can't promise any breakthroughs, but I'm starting to wrap my mind around the concepts so maybe I'll catch something. Up to you, but more than willing to give it a look see. At the very least I could learn something. All the best. You keep at it and you'll find what works for you.
phbreez Premium
Hi I am a real Newbie - May 30 and have kept some notes on my blog and started a Unofficial Newbie Club here at WAU and on my blog....I devised a brief Mini Business Plan that you might take a look at. It is step by step that I pulled together from all the stuff I read and videos I watched......take a look...it might help. Once I get it in great shape and the blessing of a few successful WA er's I'll put up the four main ingredients that will help newbies make a site or lens in less than an hour. You will get a Product suggestion with keywords and articles and video code and pictures....so all you have to do is go to squidoo and put it together and be up and going.....my hope is that if this works...and it should....newbies will have a short cut to getting started. Please take a look and see what you think and perhaps leave a message, suggestion, question etc. Lets be Buddies too.....and Phil;s Newbie Club and Mini Business plan is FREE too. A few of us got together via email and decided WA is really good and no need to spend any money on products from the hawkers out there.....if you need info...just come on and ask. Someone will help....Our Motto is Start Now-Never Quit and I would rather keep my cash and ask a friend for the information. take care .... Phil