About Alan Hope
Joined December 2005
I originally joined WA in 2005 but was not an active member for long and did not get too involved in affiliate marketing- I "had a go" at Google Adsense around that time and in the space of 7 months saw my income from this source increase from a few cents to $300 per month. Regretably Google changed their algorithms and frowned on web sites which contained duplicate content (I copied many articles from the likes of Ezine Articles) and my earnings were "wiped out". I had a full time job then so it was just a past time but there I was thinking I was going to see my earnings increase to $1,000 pm quite quickly and, who knows, maybe become a millionaire in due course!!!!!

I am 54 years of age, happily married for 33 years to my childhood sweetheart and have 2 adult sons-2 cats and 2 dogs. I live in Worcestershire in England. I worked for a bank for over 30 years but left at age 50 and have undertaken numerous roles since then mainly in sales.

Why am I back?

Last week I lost my job and am actively looking for another but at my age and with the current economic climate that may not be too easy. I used to get really excited seeing my income from Google Adsense increase as detailed above and I would love to feel the same sense of achievement again. Having researched WA once again I am confident that if I follow the actions and advice provided by you all I can make a success of affiliate marketing.

Update to the above (12 May 2012)

I now have two sites for Internet Marketing www.over50lifeinsurancequotes.net and www.bankaccounts-for-badcredit.com.

I have written numerous articles and put them on various article directories such as GoArticles etc with back links to my sites.

However, two months ago I started to offer my services writing articles for people and it has grown rapidly to a point where I am now writing content for website pages, Blog posts and Press Releases. I charge 2 p per word and already have several private clients as well as writing for people via Textbroker, Copify etc.

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4wardthinker Premium
Welcome to WA!
4wardthinker Premium
Good morning Alan! Congrats on finishing the 30 success club! Yes, there is a lot to learn but you sound like you have the right attitude for it. Attitude is one thing that can make or break or break a person. Not only in IM but life in general. Thanks for the best wishes and I'd love to keep in touch. Haven't been to England yet, but the key word is YET so I do look forward to visiting one day. I am in Dallas, TX, home of the Dallas Cowboys and Barney the purple dinosaur! LOL.
alan hope Premium
Good Evening 4wardthinker

Thank you. I see you have recently joined. I am enjoying the experience of Affiliate Marketing-still early days. Only finished the 30 day success club a few days ago-took me about 2 weeks longer than it should have done but I am in this for the long haul so what is 2 weeks. So much to learn but the other members provide so much support.

All the very best and do keep in touch.

I live in the middle of England about 120 miles north of London.


Alan Hope
Ripley Premium
I figured it was about time to add you to my buddy list!
Ripley Premium
alan hope Premium
As long as it does not improve my WA ranking!!!!!!!!
cashflow+ Premium
Welcome may success be with you. Cheers!
alan hope Premium
Thank you.

There is so much to learn but really looking forward to the challenge

Kind Regards

Alan Hope
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
webkab Premium
Any thing can be niched. Take your luxury hotels for instance. You could do a book on these hotels. What to look for when abroad. Or, how about luxury hotels in Italy, or Luxury Hotels in England, Germany etc. You see how we just niched down to that. build a site and add an optin box for the 5 best luxury hotels in England or Italy or Greece etc. Put together a book or manual about these hotels. Rick Steves does it and makes tons of cash off of his videos and books and information. He has books about where to stay off the beaten path. Hope this helps. MUCH SUCCESS>
alan hope Premium
Good Evening Webkab

Thank you for the welcome and suggestions. I have been working through Day 1 of the 30 day course. Started looking at a niche sector my wife Anne and I are particularly interested in staying in luxury hotels when we go away either here in the UK or abroad. I do a greet deal of research in choosing a hotel and I really enjoy that so I thought I might choose that as my niche area??????

Tried to get onto keyword tool but it was out of action temporarily so went onto google adwords tool and did some research. So much to take in. I will look at the other areas you suggest. Your advice was much appreciated.

Kind Regards

Alan Hope
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
alan hope Premium

Thank you - I am working through day 1 of the 30 day course. So much to learn but very exciting.

Kind Regards

Alan Hope
alan hope Premium
Hi Jamie

I was just looking through these postings and have to laugh at the fact I said to you on the 5th October that I was on Page 1 of 30 day course-well here we are 5 weeks later and I have just finished Page 8- I will probably end up with the record for the longest it has taken someone to complete the course. My site is making progress-www.over50lifeinsurancequotes.net but still a lot to do/change. Written 2 articles-one on Street Articles and another on Ezine-they take some getting approved!!!!

Anyway back to my site

