About Christie G
Joined September 2008
I am a nurse living the small town life. I take care of elderly people, in a nursing home setting. I love that aspect of my job and I put my heart into it. I do not have any HUMAN children, but I do have a family of 3 canines and 3 felines. My youngest is a little Yorkie named Dexter, who is spoiled rotten. Everywhere I go he goes, unless it is in a car >>>that's just not his thing.
I bought a fixer-upper house a few years back and I just haven't been able to do a whole lot with that project, due to living paycheck to paycheck basically. I watch DIY TV and HGTV and any other associated channels, with the hopes that some day >>> I'll be able to afford all the projects I have stored in the back of my head, waiting to be initiated.
I kept seeing all those infomercials on TV about real estate fortunes, no money down real estate purchasing power, getting rich quick schemes and such. I didn't believe any of those scams, because as the old saying goes >>>> If it sounds to good to be true, then it is, but it did get me to thinking one day.
I have always wanted to work from home and make an income I could live comfortably on. I don't have to be rich, but I wouldn't mind either. Every since the internet came about, I have spent way to much time online, so I started to wonder, if there was something I could do from home and make a living from it, I bet I could find it there. To make a long story short, after much searching and investigating, I wound up at WA. It was the ONLY program, through all my investigating, that l felt was not a scam of some sort. I have been here a week tomorrow and I am very glad I joined. This is the real deal and I am sooooo glad I did not waste my money on any other program. I have absolutely no experience as an IM, but I am very motivated to learn. I gave the Bum Marketing Method a go last night and I wrote my first 3 ads
Christie G's Accomplishments

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Ntweetyd Premium
Congrats....if you don't mind my asking...which method did you use to get your first sale?? Was it a blog or an article?? I'm having a tough time getting going and getting my first sale. I'm in my 7th week of training now.
Keep up the good work....any words of encouragement would be appreciated!!
Thanks, Nicole
Ntweetyd Premium
I did it......check your PM.... :)
Ntweetyd Premium
Hey bud...yeah things aren't going for well for me either. I wrote an article on Hubpages and it was unpublished cuz I put too many links in there and haven't had a chance to re-do it. Kinda still frustrated. And now it's getting to be Christmas and it's getting more hectic for me (I work for FedEx...and in Florida our season is also with the snowbirds!!) So I won't be having too much time for the computer soon. Which stinks cuz that is when I will be delivering what people are probably buying from you guys!!! lol
Aren't you glad you asked??? hahahaha
Nicole :)
Ntweetyd Premium
Check my latest post...
Ntweetyd Premium
It's OK buddy...I don't need a thank you. I just need my cheerleader and buddy here longer. We said we were going to go through the learning together and damnit I'm still here, SO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!!! :)
Is that being too selfish of me??? LOL Gotta go to work now. Glad I made you smile.
Ntweetyd Premium
And wow, your gold bar got HUGE!!! LOL That's what I like to see!!!! :)
Ntweetyd Premium
You're killing me, girl...I will check my Twitter now. I hope you sent me a request because I don't know how to add you. lol I feel like we're breaking up. hahahaha
You better be back. I can't do this alone you know. :(
Ntweetyd Premium
Yeah I added you to my Twitter a little while ago. :) And I also decided that I am going to find another campaign to focus on. Seems everyone is is doing Travis's Magic of Making Up and it isn't going anywhere....I will leave it out there and watch it, but keep going forward with another one!!!
I will miss you and be sending you messages. My email is ntweetyd@aol.com :)
Christie G Premium
Hey Nicole,
I added you to my buddy list and you can do the same if you would like. You can do this!
Christie G Premium
Hey Nicole :o)
Sent you a pm. Stopped in here to deliver gold. Talk to you later my friend.
Christie G Premium
Hey Nicole :o)
So how are you coming along my friend? I am at a standstill right now...yuck. Hope all is well with you.
Christie G Premium
Nicole if I could hug you I would. I made a long post in the forum. What you did has almost left me speechless and that my friend NEVER happens :o) I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Gotta go to bed now. It is almost 2am.
Christie G Premium
Hello Nicole,
I can not explain how much you have touched my heart but....IT IS A LOT :o) I have returned your gold my friend. Please see my post in the forum for an explanation. I will never, ever forget this. Please keep in touch. I added u to twitter. Don't worry I WILL be back!

Keep Smiling :o)
Christie G Premium
"Since it has been my lot to find, at every parting of the road, the helping hand of comrade kind to help me with my heavy load, And since I have no gold to give and love alone must make amends, my humble prayer is, while I live -- God, make me worthy of my friends."
Christie G Premium
Ahhhhhh...yes you can do this Nicole. I have all the faith in the world in you. You will do great my friend and besides I am only a tweet away or you can email me anytime. I will be back very soon. I added you to my tweeter today. I think all you need to do is click on my picture and it will take you to my page, then you just click follow under my pic. Talk to you soon.

Keep Smiling :o)
Christie G Premium
Hey Nicole :o)
I am going to add your email to my contacts now, then I am going to bed. I did give you mine didn't I? Well here it is if I did not ===> whoelsecouldib@yahoo.com
Talk to you later. Sleep good.

Keep Smiling :o)
Hedda Premium
Warm welcome to you.
Christie G Premium
Hello there :o)
Back on the 9th you welcomed me to WA. I had sent you a thank you, but I just found out the other day, by TJ Brooks that I was sending my responses to my self.... rolling eyes. I just wanted to make sure, that I did thank you for for your warm welcome u sent me, and that u got it this time. I share your sentiment>>>> It's not just about money. It's about freedom for me too and a lot of other people here feel the same way also, I have come to learn. Best of luck 2 u and keep smiling :o)
Christie G Premium
Hi Hedda,
Just dropped in to say "Hello." Hope everything is going well with you. Have a great night :o)
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi there Christie
Just added you to my buddies list. Feel free to drop by and we can offer each other mutual support. I too love dogs and cats. Only got one cat at the moment as have lost a couple of dogs and my kitten in the last few years and can't get anymore until I don't need to go out to work. Have been glued to my seat all day with SR and not getting very far! Will be having yet another go tomorrow because I'm blowed if I'll let this defeat me!! Have a good weekend.
ChocolateChip Premium
hi there
thanks for my hug. just what i needed! still not progressing with the website. stuck with the ftp bit. not even started to write an article yet. was wanting to get the website up and running and feel i had actually achieved something!!!! am feeling very frustrated and fed up!!! am sending you some gold so at least you can say you've made some money from IM!!!
ChocolateChip Premium
and you!! and not too much work!!!!!!
ChocolateChip Premium
Hi there Christie. Just checking up on you and making sure you're ok. Keep me posted. I've been busy working hard. But no $s yet!!! One day soon I hope! This stuff is real hard graft!!! But guess that's because we've so much to learn. I work so hard at it I forget to eat sometimes!!! Like now. so best go! Hope you're ok.
ChocolateChip Premium
forgot to say, I love the pictures of your dogs. I really miss mine.
ChocolateChip Premium
Hello there! Just thought I'd drop by to see how you're doing and if any more sales have come your way? It's tough work isn't it? Keep in touch!
Christie G Premium
Hi ChocolateChip,
Hope all is going well w/ SR. After posting a long blog on blogger last night, I decided I am going to spend a bit of time on my lessons this weekend, so I do not get behind. I don't know how much quality time I will get w/ WA this weekend. My parents r coming in town tomorrow and I have to get the house ready for company. You know how it is, especially when Mom is coming. Want everything looking tip top. Anyhow, hope you r having A good weekend and SR doesn't give you 2 much headache. Talk 2 u later.
Christie G Premium
Hello ChocolateChip,
Hope things are going well for you in the IM world. Just wanted to drop in and give you a hug. Talk to you later.
Christie G Premium
Thank you for the gold sweetie. I know how u feel, my friend. I am in the same spot. Still have not figured my website out.Have the site and a banner ...nothing more. Still haven't got my lens posted. Still have not made any money. Have 2 PPC ads and 3 free ads, but balance is $0. Guess that is the norm, for the most part, w/ us beginners. I am about to PM you.
We CAN do this. Keep the faith :o)
Christie G Premium
WOW ChocolateChip,
I did not notice how much gold I had when I was typing that PM to you. I was gonna give a piece to some1 for some help on graphics and then I saw my total and was shocked. Thank you so much for the gold my friend. I was getting low too. You're a sweetie. Talk to you later. Have a GREAT weekend.
Christie G Premium
Hey Girl:o)
Have a good weekend !
Christie G Premium
Hello There My Friend,
I am about to start work on my second campaign. Clickbank still shows $0. I am just gonna try not to worry about it and just keep going. The more I get out there, the more chances of earning dollars I have. Everything is cool here, just working hard, as you are my dear. Some day soon we will hopefully reap the benefits of our dedication :o)
jlaytonjr1 Premium
Hi Christie. I like your dog's name. It reminds me of a cartoon I used to watch - Dexter's Laboratory. I know, I'm corny but I love all things science. I was reading your blog and noticed that you were having some trouble with HTML and FTP. While I'm not an expert, I did teach myself how to write HTML and how to use FTP, so if I can be of any help don't hesitate to ask.
jlaytonjr1 Premium
Hi Christie. I have about a half an hour this morning if you need me to help walk you thru your squidoo lens. I don't know what your time zone is - mine is EST and it is 7:20am Sunday morning. It's pretty easy to create a lens, getting traffic is the hard part. I have 4 lenses and might have had a total of 4 visitors - two of which were probably me. The best thing to do is just put it up (copy and paste), then just keep tweaking it little by little. Let me know if you want me to help and your online now.
jlaytonjr1 Premium
Hi Christie, it's good to hear from you. I can totally relate about now having time for the 30DC. I was doing pretty good for the first couple of days, then I started applying the info and I had to go back and re-watch some of the videos 3 and 4 times. I also started making a cheat sheet, just kind of listing the steps needed and in the proper order. That takes more than what I got, but it's the best way, if not the only way, that I can even begin to understand all this. It's starting to click, but I'm still back on day 5 or 6. And I haven't looked at them for at least a week. It does seem that you can go at your own pace, which is very cool. I still haven't heard anything about a partnership, though.
Money is very tight here right now, too. Actually, my month for WA runs out on the 22, and I won't be renewing it very soon. But, the 30DC is free and all I do here is chat once in a while, so until I have more time (yeah, right, like that will ever happen) I won't be around for some time. I'll put my email address at the end of this message, feel free to contact me any time, just to say hi or whatever.
Oh hey, I found some videos online for something called the $50 Daily Challenge. It kind of seems like it's something along the same lines as 30DC, just done differently. In my opinion, so far, it's not as good as the 30DC, but there is only like 6 videos to the course and there's no pre-season or pre-challenge or whatever it was called. If you are interested in watching them let me know and I'll send you a copy (all together, they are about 210 MB, which I could zip individually, and they are in a .SWF format). Let me know.
Well, good luck in your money making efforts and I'll talk to you next time.
jlaytonjr1 Premium
OOps, I knew I was going to do that. I forgot to give you my email address. I'll send it to you in a PM. Bye, again.
Christie G Premium
Hello John,
Thank you so much for offering help w/ FTP, HTML and such. If you could just sit there w/ me, when I am trying to post my Squidoo lens I compiled, that would be great.....lol.... it has been written for some days now, but once again I got sidtracked terying to learn how to do Squidoo posting the best way. Eventually, I will get it :o)
Your daughters are lovely by the way. Best of luck to you and keep in touch w/ your progress. Have a great day.
Christie G Premium
Hey John,
How r u doing? I was just checking on you :o) I have not been doing that 30DC stuff. I just haven't had the time. I have been trying to get some things going to make money. I really hate it too. Maybe when I get my campaign going I can start watching some videos. They really are gonna be a big help, I think, but I need to start making money ASAP.Anyhow, hope all is well.
Christie G Premium
Drats John. I am gonna miss ya', but we can stay in touch w/ email, as u said. I truly understand about the money issue. I am having the same troubles my friend. Well, I will talk to u more by PM.
Wojo Premium
Hang in there Girl!
things get easier in time...
Wojo Premium
Christie, thanks for the compliment on my son....he's a handful...looks like you have a handfull as well

hey don't hesitate to ask questions...i know a little about this and that and can at least get you in the right direction
Wojo Premium
hey thanks for dropping by, things are good made a sale yesterday...yeah me!...lol...how are things on your end ?
Wojo Premium
Christie G, hey whats up....sorry i havent been around in a while...how are things going?
Christie G Premium
Hi Wojo,
Thanks for ur encouragement on my venting post. By the way, ur son is a cutie. I have 6 children. U can see pics of all of them at my space here :o) Best of luck 2 you. Have a great night.
Christie G Premium
Thanks Wojo for offering ur help. I appreciate it more than u know. Have a great weekend :o)
Christie G Premium
Hi Wojo :o)
Just dropped in to say, "Hello." Hope all is well. Talk to you later.
Christie G Premium
That is GREAT. Congratulations WoJo :o) I am still learning, still lost and I have made no sales as of yet, but I am gonna keep on trucking. Again, I am very happy for you. Have a good 1.
Christie G Premium
Hello Wojo :o)
Just dropped by to say "Hi." How is it going? Hope all is well. Have a great night!
Christie G Premium
Good Morning :o)
My membership for WA will end on 12-9. I will be coming back when my finances get a little less tight. Other than that, everything is cool. I was going to go back to work, but the director of nursing said it would be after the 1st of the year before she could get me in, so I gotta wait. That will not help my finances either. I see Jill says you made some WA sells. Good job. Wish I could make a couple before I have to leave, so I would not have to leave. Anyhow, good to hear from you. I hope you and your son have a wonderful Christmas.
Keep Smiling :o)
Christie G Premium
Wow Wojo I went to your blog...Nice! I guess that is Wordpress. I still have not tackled that. Just do not understand it yet. I have it set up with a domain and one of Jeff Johnson's themes, but that is far as I have gotten. Oh my, I just thought of something. I will lose my hosting when I leave WA. Oh me. I have to go figure out what to do. Anyhow, there I go rambling. I just wanted to tell you nice work...lol