About Andie
Joined May 2009
I'm a happily married, busy and proud mum of 3 amazing children. This is exactly what attracted me to IM. They are my inspiration and my intention is to stay at home with them.
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DavidSchmidt Premium
Hey Annie, I really enjoyed your suidoo page, but that picture of the little girl at the top was pretty harsh...lol ;-) I was lucky with my daughter since we never had any terrible twos. Anyway great job! Did PotPie Girl come out with an exception to the squidoo manaul yet with all the new squidoo changes?
DavidSchmidt Premium
Its nice to hear from you too. And of course I don't mind if you add me as I plan on adding you as well. I did my first squidoo a while back and its doing pretty well so far, but I am taking a different approach to article marketing. We will see if that works ;) And as for your topic, its about pain the parents feel and pain sells so I hope you have a winner here. Andie, anytime you want to bounce ideas off someone please feel free to shoot me an email and hopefully I can do the same. You seem very sharp and a good person to know. Take care~!
andie Premium
lololol....That's funny David. Its nice to hear from you btw.
I know what you mean, my youngest daughter is 19 months old and I'm not surprised that some people might feel intimidated by this topic.
Thank God my lenses are not affected by the Squidoo policy changes, but yes, PPG did develop an additional guide for OWM members. I feel it's worth looking into it as I learned a lot of new tips from it.
I might as well add you as a buddy if you dont mind.
Terry Neal Premium
Nice lens, did you do potpiegirls free ebook on the squidoo lenses, I am almost finished it and it really helps a lot , your looks great.
andie Premium
Hi Neil, and thank you for your support on Squidoo. That lens was done with PPG's free guide. My others were done with OWM and right now I'm trying to work on improving my CTR and conversions on my lenses and articles. Now I can also see, that my initial keyword research could have been done a lot better too.
BTW you have a really nice family.
I might as well add you as a buddy if you dont mind.
jbt1842 Premium
I was just reading your squidoo article and noticed that your favorite link at the bottom of the page isn't working. I liked your Squidoo article. Very informative and lots of good information.
mastofdom Premium
Hi, just stopping by to wish you all the best and happy learning! There is certainly a lot of it to be done, but it's worth it. I'm in my second month now, but I've barely scratched the surface of the resources and help available here.

Welcome to WA! :)
mastofdom Premium
Three children.. wow. I can see why you would want to work from home :). I have two little brothers, and I feel for my parents sometimes, with the amount of work they have to put in to raise them properly. Attitude, of course, is the key to success. That's something I have had to learn through hardship, but I did learn and I am applying it. It makes life so much easier.
Thanks for stopping by!
andie Premium
Hi Slaven and thanks for your message. I'm really sorry to read about what's happend to you, but I'm glad to see that you are such a positive person.
I really like your first lens! Excellent content! I think you'll do really well and I wish you success.

Kirst Premium
Hi Andrea.
how i can put a face to the forum post.
hi and welcome again
beaut pic by the way!
click on my pic to go to my space if you want to reply.
that took me a bit to figure out!!!!
Kirst Premium
HI Andrea
Thanks for th reply and again, another cute pic
My pic was taken at a dolphin center where I teach english.
its about 10 minutes from my house
i have swum with them 3 times
I only started making money here more consistently after i had some basics and then bought one week marketing. Its been my saving grace. taught me not to fret and to build article by article and lens by lens. and how to do it daily. I can explain more if you want, but wont unless you ask! I know you have a lot to absorb right now. THats what worked for me. I need to be taken by the hand and i was with that book.
will be in touch.
shout anytime
andie Premium
Hi Kirst, thanks for all your support! It's nice to be welcomed by another mum. My kids love your pic with the dolphin.
I can see you've been doing really well. How long do you spend daily on the internet to get these nice results?
I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you can make it to $500/day.
andie Premium
Hello Kirst,
Thanks for the message, I really appreciate your advice.
I'm just finishing my first article for my first lense following PPG's free guide.
I'll be in touch.