Posts by Apina 26
April 13, 2012
This morning I was browsing some websites, mainly in the IM and Tech niches, looking for some things to purchase. That's right, I had a fist full of cash and the desire to spend it. I was the perfect customer. So why was it that I spent about half an hour browsing sites and one by one clicking off them, probably never to return? Spelling, grammar, sloppiness.  I was not willing to part with my hard earned cash, because we all know that the cash we earn through our efforts here i
April 06, 2012
After reading Steve's (IveTriedThat) post on goal setting here is my 2012 goal list: Become a Wealthy Affiliate Ambassador (Las Vegas here I come!) Consistently have 1000+ visits to ApinaPress each month Start earning some money each month consistently Become more proficient with SEO   Personal/Mental Be able to stop taking benefits Stop having to catch that bus in the morning Take a holiday! Stop spreading myself so thinly
March 01, 2012
So after something happened to me recently in the work world, I had an idea on a business, a local offline business. Now I have had this idea before, its been swimming around my mind for maybe 2 years, maybe more. My difficulty is that I dont speak the local language well, not well enough to conduct business. But after this recent event, i decided that really all i needed to do was talk, discuss, ask. So thats what i did, today i asked someone to join me in business in the local area. I dont kno
...but don't use those words in the picture. Let me explain. I look at a lot of IM'ers sites (not just here but in the wide world of the internet) in order to well, learn from. One thing that surprises me is how often people use pictures that are actually just text. This is an example:   That picture was actually over 5000 pixels long... Now I don't know whether its a lack of knowledge or people have been sold a crappy site, but using an image for text makes NO sense. Why? Because of o
There's a lot of new WA members over the past couple of days (including me!) and a lot seem to not know much about Wordpress or websites in general. Overtime I'm going to post some hints and tips as and when I come across them/remember them!   Wordpress is a very popular blogging and now CMS (Content Management System) platform, but  popularity brings a darker side of life and hackers do like trying to get into Wordpress blogs. 2 simple ways to help combat this are: Update often! Whi
November 25, 2011
Hey, I'm Dean, I've been lurking around the outskirts of WA for some time now, wondering whether it's worth joining or not. I've made my first $ in IM already, but well, not much more than that. Seeing as WA is on sale for a month I thought what the hell, though I feel that I should give a heads up to Raymond Selda who did a lot to get me thinking and interested in WA. So, I'm here and eager to learn what I can,I'm hoping WA and it's community is the place for me.