Success Takes WORK

Last Update: October 15, 2010

Here is a phenomenal video about success, and what it really takes...;)

It's a bit lengthy, but there's no smoke and mirrors or tricks, he lays it all out there.




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WRI Premium
Oops I did not mean to post that twice.
WRI Premium
This video lays out not only the truth about being successful, but is setting the groundwork for the emergence of the New Economy.
Thanks for sharing this, anyone who really wants to make a difference and is willing to work for it should pull in this video.

Your WA buddy,
WRI Premium
This video lays out not only the truth about being successful, but is setting the groundwork for the emergence of the New Economy.
Thanks for sharing this, anyone who really wants to make a difference and is willing to work for it should pull in this video.

Your WA buddy,
jatdebeaune Premium
I saw that video before and was happy to see it again. Full of truth and wisdom. The good thing about "The Secret" is that it made many people aware of the Law of Attraction. Tracy is right about success requires going the extra mile and not giving up no matter what. Yes, you have to take a lot of action.
andys43us Premium
thanks a lot for sharing. he is absolutely spot on about "the secret" thing