About Badyams
Joined June 2010
I am totally brand new to Internet Marketing, so any tips would be greatly appreciated. Currently, I am unemployed so I thought this would be a stepping-stone to a better life for me. Like most people here, I dream of making a lot of money to be independently wealthy. However, I KNOW that this is not a get-rich-quick-scheme. I know it will take a lot of work and I am ready to go!

Also, if anybody has extra time on their hands and is feeling generous I would love for someone to "take me under their wing".
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acondura Premium
badyams Premium
Thank you very much for the warm welcome!
STT-1969 Premium
Welcome my friend, WA is a great site for help and resourses... You WILL do well my friend.
STT-1969 Premium
I am a firm believer in friendship and the if everyone were out to make friends the world would be a better place... You take care my new friend...
badyams Premium
Thank you! I appreciate the warm welcome!
Xena Premium
Welcome! :)
Xena Premium
heehee...sure~ I just added you!
badyams Premium
Thank you! Would you mind if I added you as a buddy?
businessadvisor Premium
Hey Badyams,
Wayne here.

Welcome to WA. Feel free to add me to your Buddy List. I've been an e-Marketer for over 10 years and make consistent income online, so if you have questions about Internet Marketing, or just want to brainstorm and chat, I'll do my best to lend a helping hand.

I look forward to getting to know you and to exchanging ideas and strategies for making money online. Check out my blog here. I offer a few insights that may help.
businessadvisor Premium
Hey Bill,
Lots of material here to sink your teeth into. Start with the Training Center as you proceed through the Action Plan. Stay in touch.
businessadvisor Premium
Selecting and learning a marketing method is the easy part, so for that reason any training you wish to start with is fine. I would recommend, however, that you spend some time to determine what market you plan to market to and what you're going to market to them.

Stay in touch!
businessadvisor Premium
First things first. It's important to consider and understand that generating an income online is less about what market you choose, and more about

1. How are you going to market whatever it is you choose to offer in the market your choose?
2. How does what you offer benefit your chosen market?
3. Is there demand for what you want to offer?

Perspective is extremely important when you're getting your feet on the ground. Making money online has very little to do with what YOU like or what YOU want. It's about what problem or issue are you solving for the potential customers in your chosen market.

At the end of the day, making money online or offline is about supply and demand, and marketing to the demand. Choosing an industry is easy. Your focus should currently be on...

1. Understanding what your business is.
2. Knowing what problem are you in business to solve.
3. Having a plan for marketing and delivering your solution.

Stay in touch.
badyams Premium
Thanks for the welcome Wayne! Anything you can suggest for me to start making money soon would be great. And, please don't think that I think this is a get-rich-quick-scheme. I do know it'll take persistence to make money; however, I was just laid off from work this last Friday and I really can't afford to be waiting 2 days 17+ hours until the next page in the Action Plan becomes available. Again, anything you can think of for me to start reading and applying would be awesome!

badyams Premium
Do you recommend anything in particular that I start with in the Training Center? Like, should I start with Article Marketing?
badyams Premium
So, is there an easy way to determine what market I should choose? I have a few ideas, but I am not sure if there's a certain paradigm I should follow to make things easier for me.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jamie Smith Premium
My advice is to go through the Action Plan step by step. Pick a niche that is a passion, so it doesn't feel like a "job". Everything I do with marketing is to support the Arts, that is my passion. I also advise you check out Jay's mind map on his magistudios blog to help you see the BIG picture.
Jamie Smith Premium
So sorry to hear about you being laid off!! I sent you some WA Gold to get you headed down the right path making $$ online with the WA family. You can check out Jay's mindmap in the April 2010 section of his magistudios blog. You can find Jay in my buddy list and he is top ranked on the WA spaces page. Also, Jay is doing a FREE webinar this Thursday. You can get all the details for his webinar series on his magistudios blog.
badyams Premium
Thank you so much for the welcome! It's very thoughtful of you to take time to add me as a buddy. As I said in my "About Me", if you have any tips, it would be greatly appreciated. :)
badyams Premium
Awesome! I am going through the Action Plan right now and I will definitely check out that blog. I assume I just type in "magistudios" in the search bar at the top? Also, I have 2 days 17+ hours until I can access the next part of the Action Plan. Do you have any suggestions that can actually help me start making money? I am really wanting to get the ball rolling mainly because I am now unemployed (I was laid off this last Friday). I understand that this will take time, but anything you can suggest that would speed things up would be great.
badyams Premium
Awesome! Thank you again!