About STT-1969
Joined May 2010
I am a Kiwi Living in Australia and they say hello with a Gidday Mate.

I was born in Waihi, north island New Zealand back in 1969, wow time fly's. Up until my Mum found a solid foothold, we had moved from town to town, school to bloody school, at one stage for each year it was a different house we moved into. God Bless my Mum, she tried so hard. I went to Waihi Collage till the end of 1982 then my family packed up and flew to Australia, there i went to Toolooa State High School and finished school cert. 1986 was Year 11 and a year i won't forget, we went to Papua New Guinea that year, we got greeted at the Airport with not a "Hi how are you, Welcome to our country" BUT " Hi, just want you to know if you accidentally do something to these people, come back here and we will fly you out" WHAT THE... So you can probably guess that i didn't make to the end of the year, in between Headlines that were disturbing and the MASS Riots outside school, between school kids and nationals, now i am not just talking 1 or 2 people, i am talking about 50, 60+ and at the age of 16 i said SE YA Later...

Back in Australia was for me and Hospitality was what i liked, a few courses later and a Barman emerged. Back in 1996 i went back to New Zealand and worked in Sky City Casino in Auckland and when i herd about Sydney and it's new Casino they were opening, Myself along with 50 other kiwi's came over, I enjoyed three years there until my boy "Kory" was born, he had a problem called "Wolfparkinson White Syndrome" and with the stress of work and the Hospital, I handed in my resignation and found a job closer to home. My boy spent a month in hospital before they let him come home, he is 9 now and in January 2010 he is scheduled for his first Heart operation. Sorry I forgot to tell you what "Wolfparkinson White Syndrome" is, this is rare and his was mild but still there, it's where his his heart races of to 280, he changes color "purple" and stops breathing...

Sorry back to reality, in March 2001 we moved to Hervey Bay in Queensland then onto a Company in 2003 called "Australian Hospitality Leisure Group" where I worked as a Duty Manager for Five years.

There still is a few years to add but you get the drift, I like being around people and helping if I can and now when I look at myself, I am the one that needs help. This Industry of Online Marketing is the way to Succeed in your goals.

Thank You for Listening, that would have to be the first time I have spoken out about my Son, it was my Biography and I love Him So MUCH...

Good Fortune Everyone.
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Mohamad Premium
STT-1969 Premium
Thank You my new friend, WA is an awesome site and I think I will make allot of good friends here.
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Shane, Just stopped by to welcome you aboard!! Glad to see you here. Thanks for sharing your story, you are certainly blessed with your kids and I pray that God meets Kory's health issues.
Congratulations on taking this step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Shane, I just want you to know that I appreciate your friendship : ) I hope your off to an amazing start!
Take care, Marty
babyboomer20 Premium
I'm glad to hear that you are pressing forward with your learning and taking action on what you learn. This business is about doing. If you DO you will have SUCCESS. Be blessed Marty : )
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Shane, I checked out your webpage and I sent you an invite on FB and also added you to one of my Twitter pages. OK, I've been active on the internet for one year but just started Network Marketing in Nov. 09 that is truly where my heart is. Beside having my own Network Marketing Business I also Mentor & Coach others with the Mentoring For Free Program. I just love the community and surrounding myself with a positive mastermind group, continually adding to my skills and assisting others to do the same for Free. I've found that the key is to continually work on myself and grow into the person that will attract others to me. Yes I'm extremely happy and experience abundance in all areas of my life. Thanks for noticing : )
I Believe in You!! You have your heart in the right place in that you want to create a better life for your family and I can see that you are a dedicated father. Wishing You a Life Most people only Dream of....May God Bless you and your family abundantly and I pray for your precious son's health. Marty : )
STT-1969 Premium
Wow, everyone is so friendly... I love that, my whole way of thinking is to treat people like I would like to be treated and this site, WA is just that. It is nice to meat you and I look forward to talking to you some more in the near future...
STT-1969 Premium
Thank you, I am keeping my mind moving forward... Adding affiliate products, promoting them... Writing Articles, spinning them and submitting them... Emailing people who send me messages and want to know more about Traffic Generation... It's not just a few hours a day, I want to put in the as many as I can to give me the success my family and I need... Thank You again my friend... Keep in touch.
STT-1969 Premium
Thank you... Can I ask, "How long have you been network marketing"? You look happy with your life and you obviously are enjoying life... I know my life will change and take off soon with my constant effort... Gob Bless and Good Fortune my friend.
Togrul Premium
Nice to meet you Shane :) You said wonderful words in your post : "Woo Hoo, isn't life great...
And for all the people that are having a bad day, come join the the happy people..." Nothing in this world happens out of blue and every person has his own life trials :) I do believe you have come to the right place, to the place of the like-minded people who are always happy to help one another:) Your new friend Togrul
Togrul Premium
Hello and Welcome to WA:) You have a great Life Story :) And you are blessed with lovely kids:) May God help Kory:) And to you I'm wishing loads of success :)
STT-1969 Premium
Thank You...
My Kids are my most valuable treasures, the only upsetting part about my kids is they live with their Mum and I only get to see them every 6 weeks...
Thank You for what you said about my Boy, he has had it hard and he needs all the love he can get, Thank You. your new friend Shane Thomas.
STT-1969 Premium
To all the Happy People out there... Woo Hoo, isn't life great...
And for all the people that are having a bad day, come join the the happy people, it's intoxicating, you will love it and it will rub off and onto you... Give someone a HUG... You know you want to...