About Bald Eagle
Joined November 2006
About me. Well what about me? I use to be a Financial Adviser until I realized nobody wanted my advice. Sometimes the truth hurts - no not me them, they didn't want to hear what I had to tell them so let's see how they go without me.
I have always been fiercely independent and wanted an occupation that I enjoyed and that generated income directly related to my input.
Internet marketing seems to be the solution but at time of writing I have had no success and I have been at it for nearly 8 months now.
So I guess I could do with a bit of financial advice myself.
Anyway I'm here and I'm here to stay.
S here I am a bit further down the line.
If you've read my (and Travis') infamous thread you will know certain personal things about me.
Well I am now making a living out of Internet Marketing and it did sort of result in me and my wife splitting up. I say sort of because it wasn't the only reason for the split but a lack of income was a big part.
Anyway that has now happened and I didn't even try to use any of the tips T Dub gives in his Magic of Making Up e-book so that has to tell you something!!
To summarize though it is all good and onwards and upwards.
Bald Eagle's Accomplishments

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hit2000 Premium
good luck Bald Eagle I do hope you will have a lot of success in your online marketing career.
Welcome aboard,
I would like to invite you to make money for free with me. Just visit http://smartoffers.org , Is a site Ive set up to help new Internet marketers make money online. Thanks
mavericklearner Premium
I just wanted to thank you for being so open with your '6 month taking stock' post and being willing to let the thread grow up around it. You allowed so many folks to learn while sharing your frustrations and baby steps. I spent two days reading the thread...an awesome education. Hope you are having great success now. - mavericklearner
DanielleT Premium
Hi Lawrence, Bald Eagle. I am Danielle from Quebec, Canada. I just joined WA a few days ago. Yesterday, as suggested, I read posts on the Forum and I "stumbled" big time on your experience which was a bit like reading a very good thriller. I realize that all of this was spreaded over months but the fact that it could be read in a few hours was just like a shot of adrenaline. Thank you for sharing with us. I love your humor and I empathized with you when you were having "anxiety attacks". I also realized that people at WA were very supportive and this is what I was looking for when I signed up. Hope you are doing well, that your wife cut you some loose and that everything in your life is bringing you joy. Have a terrific day.
Bald Eagle Premium
Hi Danielle. Thanks for the message. yes the "I've been at it for 6 months" post was over a long period and it was very exciting to be taken on that trip with Travis. The best part was all the support I got from so many people here.
My wife did eventually cut me some slack and I am now drifting single on the oceans of whatever life has to offer.
It was best that the two of us split up but that is another story that I won't bother you with.
Hope all is going well with you but I have to ask you just one question:
How the hell do you guys manage to survive in a place as cold as Canada?
Keep smiling.
Bald Eagle
zuoguanggao Premium
After I read you 2 sentences, I started to laugh. you are funny. What you said really true.