About Beachballer
Joined May 2010
Born and raised in Los Angeles... I am an athlete & personal trainer, love the outdoors, love to play beach volleyball & basketball, love to surf, love to travel, love music, do anything active, also starting to practice meditation.

Love learning about the Internet and all of its limitless possibilities, since we can use this incredible technology to leverage our time and energy while serving others & pursuing our dreams! Looking forward to connecting with you beautiful people and sharing knowledge, experiences, and ultimately success stories!!

I think one of the most important aspects of IM is learning to LOVE THE PROCESS. Like learning anything new, it will take time and effort. But I am loving the process, meeting new like-minded people, & increasing my skill-sets everyday... Much respect to all of you!!!
Beachballer's Accomplishments

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babyboomer20 Premium
Just stopped by to welcome you aboard!! Glad to see you here. Congratulations on taking this step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
babyboomer20 Premium
Thank you kindly for your friendship, I hope your off to an amazing start! Stop by any time Marty : )
beachballer Premium
Thanks! Absolutely add me. Will add you too!
beachballer Premium
Thank you in advance for your welcoming words... This seems like a great resource! I will be spending some time figuring this thing out...
OneProsperity Premium
Welcome to WA, you will learn lots through this Community. Expect good things!
OneProsperity Premium
I know it is very overwelming here, let me know if I can help.
I found a great article writer and went to work on my landing page. Still only up to Lesson 5 on the Action Plan :)
beachballer Premium
Thank you! My expectations are high, and I am motivated...but...where do I start? lol
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)
beachballer Premium
Thanks! Stoked to be involved in this community... I do need help! How do I use this thing?? lol
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
beachballer Premium