Time Management

Last Update: May 04, 2010

One thing that has come up constantly for me ever since I decided to be an entrepreneur is TIME MANAGEMENT. Learning how to to be accountable and efficient with our time is a must! 

We all have the same amount of time in each day. We must learn to leverage our time to make the most out of our energy and our efforts. I have learned a few things about time management since making my foray into this industry, and I figured I would use this opportunity to share my top 3 favorite things with this awesome community... Would love to hear your experience with this and/or any ideas you may have! Here goes...

1. KNOW THAT YOUR TIME IS AS VALUABLE AS YOU WANT IT TO BE! This piece of knowledge alone has made me look at my life differently. Basically what this means is that we are divine beings with a LIMITED amount of time here on earth, and for the person looking for wealth and financial freedom, you cannot let anyone or anything interfere with the value you attribute to your most valuable resource: your TIME. (If you want to make $1 mil, know that you would have to make $500/hr for 2000 hours...)

2. GET UP EARLY! As entrepreneurs, our time represents opportunities to learn, work, and earn. While you are sleeping, someone else is out there doin' work! Get up early 6 days out of the week and enjoy a sleep-in on Sundays.

3. TAKE BREAKS! As internet marketers, we spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Set your timer for 1 hour, use that hour as efficiently as you can (chunk tasks together to stay in certain mind-sets) and reward yourself with a twenty minute break to stretch, breathe, walk, talk on phone, go outside, etc. You will be more refreshed for your next session and will feel like you got more done.

The name of the game to time-management, as is in anything else, is BALANCE. Stay balanced and know that success is the sum of small efforts taken daily...

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Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for this nice blog, very important topic! I sent you some WA Gold.
jatdebeaune Premium
Excellent advice. I'm trying to live it. Balance is key here and so important. You have to make time for a semblance of social life too. Eating right is important, and that means preparing your own food for yourself and your family, not take out. Meditation is so important.Take just 15 minutes a day. Give time to other activities, like theatre, music. Don't forget about family. Mine misses me. And play at whatever makes your spirit soar.
pEcor_1977 Premium
great post can u send some of that matavation over here Ive been here over a month and I sure could some. You have beenable to do more in the couple of days joining than I have congrats and great post
pEcor_1977 Premium
great post can u send some of that matavation over here Ive been here over a month and I sure could some. You have beenable to do more in the couple of days joining than I have congrats and great post
pEcor_1977 Premium
great post can u send some of that matavation over here Ive been here over a month and I sure could some. You have beenable to do more in the couple of days joining than I have congrats and great post