Providing value = $

Last Update: May 10, 2010

We are all here to figure out how to make our first dollar or make more money online. In my experience, there are many factors in doing so, yet there is one major key: PROVIDE VALUE.

Making money online or offline happens when we provide something of value to someone else. Think about all the times you have been compensated in your life.  You most likely completed a valuable task, carried out a job, or helped someone find a solution to a problem. You enhanced someone's life for that moment, and therefore you were rewarded with monetary compensation.

We all have our own stories, experiences, ideas, services, & products, and these things are VALUABLE. The key to turning value into profit takes thought, creativity, and above all, DETERMINATION. You have to figure out what medium will work best for you, and find a proven SYSTEM that you can follow. A system is extremely valuable since it is analytically TRACKABLE and can be tested.

So, anyone who is participating in the online world should consider themselves a "merchant," discover what and how to provide value, and find a system to plug into. The best ways to find a system, in my experience, is to do your due diligence and research how other people are making money, network with those who are actually DOING it, and taking action yourself. You will most likely run into some speed-bumps, but if you stay determined and keep PROVIDING VALUE, you will start to taste sweet success. :)

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