About Benjamin83
Joined July 2007
Alright so I've been a member of WA since mid 2007, but I've really only been able to do dive deep into IM for about a year of that. Two years were spent in graduate school obtaining an MBA from Indiana University, which was a ridiculous amount of work and a grueling experience, but I believe shaped me into a very dangerous individual.

However I actually got the use the knowledge I gained about IM throughout graduate school on a few marketing research projects I did, and have also been able to employ that knowledge at my day job as an e-Communications Manager. Eventually I hope to quit and take up IM consulting full-time, but for now I'm happy taking a bit of time off after graduate school. I'm sure that will change soon as it's hard to keep me down long.

I'm also a Class A Master golf teaching professional on the side and carry a USGA handicap of 6 and I'd like to consider myself an aspiring writer. I have a book published on the Kindle and have a few more in the works. I hope to have a nice portfolio of electronic learning resources developed in a couple of years. I've always considered myself good at content development.

I dabble in Muay Thai Kickboxing as well and like to have a spar here and there, but I doubt I'll ever do that seriously. I mainly just enjoy the sport and physical activity.

As you can tell I like to write. I'll stop now. Add me if you wish!
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silverlotus Premium
Hi Benjamin83 Thanks for your post on the Forum which offers computer literacy 101 which details the translation of commonly used abbreviations, terms and makes recommendations for online classes to help relative new comers to the world of cyber space. Very helpful.
HealthSupplier Premium
To Benjamin83:

Welcome to WAU! I have a degree in business as well... in food service.
May you find succuss as an affilitate marketer.


Benjamin83 Premium
Business degrees FTW! May you find success as well!
hcloward Premium
Hey there Benjamin83! I just wanted to say a BIG thank you for your post New Member FAQ's in the forum. It has been awhile since you posted it, but I was browsing today and found it. I am on week two of the action plan and trying to grasp the concept of this monster of Internet Marketing. Your thread shed light on so many things or just explained them in the terms I could understand. I am not completely clueless but I like to have things reiterated to me by another source. So, thank you! Have a FABULOUS week!
Benjamin83 Premium
Glad to help. Thanks for the kind words. It makes me feel good that I can help so many new IM'ers. Have a great one yourself!
determined Premium
Benjamin you made my day! After reading your FAQ's for new members I feel like I have a much better grip on being a new member! There is so much to learn, yet I find myself wanting to start...and I don't know where to start or exactly how to start! At the beginning! Why didn't I think of that! Its hard to be patient when you're an overachiever! In this case, I'm listening carefully to all of you who have gone before me! Beam me up Scotty!
Thanks for being there!
Rene' "determined"
Benjamin83 Premium
I'm the same way. Always trying to do too much, which reminds me... I'm in over my head today so I gotta go!!! Good luck and thanks for the kind words!
pistons32 Premium
How do I get to FAQ's for new members
Benjamin83 Premium
Not sure how long ago you posted this. It says 1969.. wtf. Anyway go to General Marketing Discussion in the forums and you'll find it STICKIED at the top.