You are now in the Matrix!!!!

Last Update: June 20, 2012
Hello everyone in WA:

Honors and respect to all in the community of WA. Here is a question? Have you every watch the movie The Matrix? Well I am going to give you an analogy of the Matrix and WA. As we know the Matrix is 1999 American scienfiction action film, written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski. The films stars Keau Reeves: Neo, Laurence Fishburne: Morpheus: Carrie-Anne Moss: Trinity and Hugo Weaving: Agent Smith.

As the film starts we have a Computer programmer named Thomas Anderson which is live a double life, he is secretly a hacker known as "Neo". He is restless, eager and driven to learn the meaning of cryptic references to the "Matris" appearing on his computer. How many of us have lived a double life tring to make ends meet in the world, before WA. Now a female hacker named Trinity confirms that a man named Morpheus can help him.

I have been searching the internet for a homebase business, looking for the answers for freedom from working long hours for little pay! Basically the plot of the movie is that,a computer hacker learn from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers, the Agents Smiths!!!! Remeber at the end of the movie Neo, dies and gets a kiss by Trinity,and she tell him what the oracle has told her, that she would fall in love with the ONE who would save the human race.
Neo did recover and came back to life stronger and more efficent than ever. This will happen if we give ourselves a chance and let others know that we need help. We have to fight our personal Agent Smiths and win the battle, of being over whelmed, frustrated, and the fear of not knowing what to do.
Neo, stayed close to his group and they communicated with each other daily, because of group effort and support, Neo became the ONE. Are you the ONE in the WA Business?
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betts Premium
Thank you everyone for the comments!!
Shawn Martin Premium
Nice post, thanks!
Mindbridge Premium
Beautiful post Betts, I know the struggle to break free of the Matrix all to well. WA opened my eyes.