Sold on the Sizzle!!

Last Update: June 09, 2012
To everyone at WA especially all the Newbies:

Hello My name is abetts23,

Can I asked you a question? Have anyone here every sold cars? Well back in the year 2001, I use to Sell New and Used Cars, for Sound Mazda in Renton WA. I loved that job, pretty interesting work, being a Car Salesman.

It reminds me of working online. Well all the new salesmen used to have to stand outside and catch ups, which means to fight over,and try to get a customer. The experienced saleman stayed close to the managers, read the news papers and made phone calls.
In order to learn how to sell, you have to read the car manuals, practice selling techniques, act, smile, be friendly and sell yourself to the customers. You had to stay focused, have a game plan, in order to make your quota, for the month. I used to hear the experienced Salemen say to each other," Sell the Sizzle".

Which means Sell the excitement of buying the new car, keep them in the moment of wanting to buy that car. What is your sizzle? Is it a new car, or paying off bills, going to college, helping out a loved one, traveling,or buying a new home! We all have Sizzles in life. I am sold on the Sizzle of internet marketing to have freedom. I am grateful for Wealthy Affiliate University, for giving us the opportunity to
learn to obtain our dreams, goals or Sizzles!!

As required to become a good Car Salesman, the same requirement is here in this business, having a game plan and being focused. Reading, writing, and absorbing all the information and being able to apply what you learn.

Like selling cars the process, was strange, humiliating, fearful, lack of knowledge, and you had to go out there and just deal with it, or you lost you job. Sounds just like this business!! You have to read, learn to understand the computer terminology, make mistakes, apply what you don't know, make more mistakes, feel embarrassed, ask question, used the live chat, and ask more questions, until you get it right.

I heard a person in this business stated, that if you keep on reading, and asking question and apply what you learn, then one day a light bulb, will light up over you head and presto, you know, I think I got it!! And then you on you way to success, that is if you hang in there and don't lose the Sizzle!!

This is for all the Newbies in the business. I know it is frustrating and overwhelming, but think about it. Do you want your dreams or Sizzle to come true,or would you want to stay in the postion that you are in now!! Like when we sold cars, we use to drive the new car next to the old c, and ask you a question. Either you can drive home with this new car now or you can lose your Sizzle, and go home with the same old broken down car that you came here with!!

I want to thank you all !!!

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DABK Premium
I don't know who said this, maybe Dan Kennedy; it was about new car salesmen. He said, a father gave the following advise to his son, on the son's 1st day as a car salesmam: "Look at what most of them are doing, then do the opposite, or, at least, something else."

Kind of like with internet marketing: most are chasing, forever, for the tool that will make them a success with the push or 3 buttons.
Amy Farr Premium
My ex husband sold!!!! He was fabulous at it. So I understand the sizzle...great post, I will be following you to see how you do. Thanks for the follow, and good luck on this journey!
betts Premium
Bis you are great, I see you work very hard, and I do admire you very much. You are a great example for us Newbies!!!
BIS Premium
I have never sold cars but I really enjoyed this post. I definitely choose 'Sizzle!'
betts Premium
Thank you for the comment, you are great, keep up the great work. will chat with you soon.
chowie Premium
Hey abetts 23! Thank you so much for reminding us to "sell the sizzle", one of those classic marketing principles that many of us are aware of, but we often forget to actually APPLY as we get caught up in our day-to-day grind. So, I really appreciate your eloquent reminder to keep us @ our best.

And yes, I have sold cars. I was a salesman at a Honda dealership for a rather brief but intense stint until I realized that the deck was way stacked against the salespeople. It was baffling how we could sell, let's say a brand new Accord for like 23K yet earn only $50 commission.

I learned right away that it's much more profitable to sell USED cars than new ones. However, since we sold all kinds of used cars--even like Mercedes Benzs, Toyatas, or Jags--whatever we had on the lot that folks had traded in, the learning curve to used car profitability was much longer & arduous.

So, I quit to focus on Internet Marketing, but that car salesman experience has had me thinking that there's gotta be some new & innovative way to sell cars online & kick some serious ass in terms of long-term profitability. Perhaps you & I are the ones to devise & implement that strategy, which might just be our calling...
betts Premium
Thank you Chowie for the comment, Yes I had that same problem with New cars. Now it is time for us to learn this business, so we can help others. Thanks abetts23