
Last Update: October 16, 2009

How I loathe writing articles for this site...........lol

Still they do give the best traffic even though they are very picky.

Well I decided enough is enough no longer am I going to be trodden on by the admin of this site.

This time I am going to go for Platinum Status!!!!

And I don't care, How many articles it's going to take me?

 When I blow my top because these (very nice people) throw out one of my articles because yet again they don't understand what an RSS Feed is PLEASE, PLEASE remind me why I am doing this.


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LucyRN Premium
I'm rather frustrated with them right now too, hopefully it gets better...
casandra_j_k Premium
I am just starting with this... e-zine has the best traffic? i made a squidoo page but skipped the e-zine because when i read the rules they were so daunting i didnt want to bother. I guess i should attempt it though. Hope you have better luck! ; )