Finished the Blog.

Last Update: July 28, 2010

After a lot of adjustments and finding out why I couldn't link to an image the Blog is now LIVE.

Linking to images - this was the fun part!!

Wordpress has an inbuilt loader for installing pictures or so you think but the trouble with it is that it doesn't store it anywhere.

So what you have to do is upload the picture to a Folder on your Hosting then you can get the link needed to place in the Wordpress Installer otherwise you will get a 404 error page saying the image doesn't exist.

Now I have the simple task of bulding my backlinks to at least get it noticed in the Search Engines and generate some interest in my new site.


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Zane Premium
Ah, so WP actually saves the images in the Database. That's good to know. If I need to copy my site, any images I need to keep should travel with the database. Still gotta copy the pages but that is a good thing to know.
phbreez Premium
Good going bigman.....all these little things....but it comes. Take care Phil