It's 158 days to Christmas! Does it matter?

Last Update: July 19, 2012
It’s 158 days until Christmas! Now before you groan this could actually be important to you.

I was chatting to another member of WA a couple of weeks ago and was asking what progress he was making on his new Halloween site. Not much, he told me because he had other priorities. I don’t blame him. He’s currently enjoying a trip in Australia with his family and what with birthdays and wedding anniversaries and other celebrations his site is the last thing on his mind.

However, as someone who works with people who struggle with managing their time and setting and reaching goals, this conversation did inspire this short blog because it did make me think that by the time he finds the time to start working on his site he could be in danger of missing the boat.

Every year in the UK the tabloid press start moaning at the end of August because one or more of the major shopping chains will have opened their Christmas department. Inevitably they moan that it is too early. I say they’re killjoys. It is early, but you don’t have to visit them. The fact is there are lots of women (and yes it is mostly women) who like to start planning early, knowing that it’s not just Christmas that is going to impact on their household budget in the coming months.

So what does this mean for your IM activities? Well obviously it will depend on what your niche is. I’m not suggesting for a moment that you want to set up an online Christmas store by the end of August, but I would suggest that you have a look at the major celebrations that are going to be happening in the next 6 months and see whether any of these should influence what you’re doing. You may then want to review some of your goal setting, planning and scheduling.

If you want to check out dates for events and special observances you can do so here .

If you’re thinking of promoting your first ebook (as I know one member is for the Christmas market) – having it ready at the beginning of December just won’t cut it. You have to do some forward planning and the time to do that is right now.

In my niche, self help books are really poopular around that time of year so my Christmas store which is to be added to my coaching site is well on it's way. I also have a special promotion planned to take out some of the stress from Christmas which can impact on people's self esteem and confidence.

Time has a horrible habit of creeping up on us before we know it. Make sure that you don’t miss the boat because you have your eyes fixed elsewhere.

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TduhT182 Premium
Early bird gets the worm!, good point (as usual) start honing the holiday campaigns now to better perform, later. Thank you so much for your outstanding guidance and advisement.
BIS Premium
Thanks Todd. We'll hve to start thinking what you can do for your site. - A special Christmas store might be a good idea.
morlandroger Premium
Good stuff Beverley. My whisky niche is very busy at Christmas, in fact one store emailed before last Christmas to say they do 30% of their trade in Nov and Dec. Getting some pages preplanned sounds like a great idea.
BIS Premium
Thanks Roger. Drink is clearly a popular niche - so it's definitely a good idea to be ahead of the game.
Amy Farr Premium
Spot on Beverley!
For example: a few years ago I went to order a Halloween bathroom set (shower curtain, toilet seat cover, towels, washcloths, bath mat) for my kids bathroom from Amazon in early august. They were sold out! I then went elsewhere online and the same set was gone as well! I could only find some bits and pieces on ebay, so I didn't bother.
Early birds get the worm!
BIS Premium
Thanks Amy. You make the point - us women buy early.
Adrian66 Premium
If you or anyone is ever travelling to Australia, come and visit us here in Adelaide South Australia. Thanks again :))
BIS Premium
I'm supposed to be coming to New Zealand and Australia later this year. I might just take you up on that!
Linda Fedun Premium
My Mom shops for Christmas all year, and 1 year I was done in August! So you post struck a chord with me. Your right, start early, and keep on going.
BIS Premium
Thanks Linda
I shop all year round as well- which is why I'm thinking ahead. You might want to do some articles about what IBS suffers can eat at Thanksgiving and Christmas.