Success tips from the Olympics

Last Update: January 10, 2018

Anyone who watched or participated in the London Olympics would have had their particular favourite moment. There were so many special moments during the 16 days of the games that one has been left with a large amount of great memories.

Being unable to switch off, although I loved the sport I also watched with my coaching hat on and gained a lot of rich material for writing articles and blogs. One of the things that I found most interesting was peoples view of success. Among the press in the UK there was an over emphasis on gold medal winners at the expense of athletes who had won silver or bronze or those who had not won a medal but beaten their personal bests or those that had done none of those things but taken part. After all there are very few people across the planet who cn say they have represented their country at the Olympics. and everyone should celebrate their achievements.

However, I was interested in looking at how different athletes achieved their success and I realised that there were many tips about success from their personal stories that can be applied in any context. None of them are particularly revolutionary but they are a good reminder of what it takes to find success whether it be as an Olympic athlete or as a successful internet marketer.

This list is in no particular order

  • Dare to dream
  • Set goals and take action
  • Do something towards your dream every day
  • Be adaptable and flexible
  • Go back to the drawing board if necessary
  • Innovate
  • Don't make comparisons - success comes at different times
  • Stay committed
  • Success often requires sacrifice
  • Success is rarely an individual event
  • Keep learning
  • Strive for constant improvement (even tiny steps)
  • Learn from failure and move on
  • Ignore detractors and doubters
  • Manage your time effectively
  • Find ways to overcome barriers
  • Don't use disadvantage as an excuse
  • Acknowledge and celebrate success regularly
  • Be organised
  • Understand what it will take to achieve the success you want.
  • Visualise what success looks like - over and over again.
  • Don't settle for mediocraty
  • Steps to success can be repetitive and boring, but ultimately satisfying
  • Set your own standard of success
  • Embrace pressure
  • Laugh and enjoy

Good luck in creating your success

And finally...
You know I can never resist the opportunity to create an infographic. This is one of several I have created to remind me of the games.

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Shawn Martin Premium
great points Beverley!
melissafitz Premium
Great post. I just copied and pasted the list to my desktop so I can read it every day to be inspired.
BIS Premium
Thank you.
I'm glad you found it useful
betts Premium
Thank Bis, I have written all of your Success Standards down and will review them daily. This is much needed, and I do appreciate this very much. abetts23
BIS Premium
Thanks Betts.
Hope you find them useful

anindochk Premium
Olympics is a huge source of inspiration. It is the greatest place of cumulative accumulation of hard work for the past 4 years. It uplifts the Karmic bondages! I learn lots from these athletes. Nice post! :)
BIS Premium
Thanks very much. You're right. It is a huge source of inspiration.
Excellent post, and fantastic infographic!

The Olympics have taught me so much about not letting distractions getting the better of you. If you want something bad enough, put your head down and go for it! All these athletes are an inspiration!

Best moment of the Olympics for me was the Team GB Sprint Girls in the velodrome smashing 6 world records in 6 consecutive races, and getting the Gold! Was A-M-A-Z-ING!
BIS Premium
Thanks Luke.

I agree with you. Roswell, King and Trott were absolutely superb. I can't see anyone emulating that feat in a long time. It was one of my favourite moments as well.