Manage your 'To Do List' using the 4Ds

Last Update: July 12, 2012

Two days ago I picked up a tweet from a fellow coach, with a link to a very short blog about how he used 'The 4Ds' as a method of managing his 'To do List'. When I read it, I immediately thought it might resonate with some members of WA so I turned it into an infographic.

It's all too easy when you're learning IM that there are so many things for you to do, that you create a 'To Do List' either on paper or in your head that seems to be never ending. That can be very stressful.

However, it doesn't have to be that way. There are only ever 24 hrs in a day and many of those hours are already allocated, so the amount of time you have to spend on IM is likely to be limited. It's important that you work smart and make the best use of your time. That's why you need to ask yourself "Do I have to do that task?" You may want to change your theme for the fourth time to get just the look you want; you may want to spend ages hunting for some obscure plugin or the perfect image but remember it may take you away from the most important things you need to do - such as writing quality content.

Minimise the stress of managing your To Do List by remembering the 4Ds.

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BlueDot Premium
Simple yet effective - thanks for this Beverley - Colin
BIS Premium
Thanks Colin - sometimes simple is best!
misshugh Premium
Thank you Beverly, it is things like this which make a difference in moving forward and not becoming overwhelmed. Nice to see you!
BIS Premium
Thanks Jackie!
anindochk Premium
In retrospect, I conclude that I only follow 1D - Delay ..... lol
BIS Premium
Perhaps - time for a change...?
Linda Fedun Premium
Thanks Beverley. I'll be applying those 4Ds this weekend. Haven't had time during the week.
BIS Premium
Thanks Linda. Sometimes the simple strategies are the best.
TduhT182 Premium
I appreciate your being a constant to me!, constantly encouraging, constantly helping me see how to improve my abilities, constantly "swatting" me back on track, constantly reminding me that quality content is key and the only acceptable practice. Thank You Beverley!, as every thing you've helped me to do has been the frame work to my achievements
BIS Premium
And you're a star to put up with my constant nagging and allowing me to help you. Thanks