About Boundary39
Joined May 2008
Hi. My name's Mark. I live in the United Kingdom with my wife Ally and two sons - Thomas and William. I have lots of sporting interests, especially football, that both my sons play. We travel alot, and enjoy fine wines and great cuisine from around the world. My internet marketing experience is growing all the time, with more research and persistance. I have a great outlook on life, and believe that everyone should have the opportunity of working for themselves, and believe that everyone is capable of doing anything they put their minds to. I am a serial entrepreneur that believes that hard work and smart research should at all times improve your lifestyle. Hopefully like-minded people will keep in contact and share their experience with WA so that we can all benefit from this. Take care - Mark
Boundary39's Accomplishments

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johnmozier2 Premium
Hello Mark, Very inspiring attitude. I'm sure you will benefit much from WA as I have already in the short time I have been here. I look forward to keeping up with your progress.

Good Luck,
BookwormR Premium
Hello, I am Brit too, I am on week five at the moment and just put up a landing page review site made in Site Rubix, which I am excited about. I am following PiePotGirls One Week Marketing Plan to promote the site. Here's hoping for lots of referrals. Its great to see other Brits on the boards!
Best wishes,
Michael Oksa Premium
Hi Mark and welcome to WA! Mutual benefit is definitely one of the keys to success - and this is a great place for it.

Michael Oksa
boundary39 Premium
Hi Michael Oksa from the UK,

Thanks for your welcome message,I hope we can keep in contact and share information through WA that will help us both in our IM business.

Mark K Premium
Hey Mark, Mark here ;)

thought i'd add a felow UK member to my buddy list, be good to share success further down the road, and compare techniques!

Ohh and welcome again to WA!
boundary39 Premium
Hi Mark,

Great to put a face to a name,I will certainly keep in contact with a fellow UK IM. through WA

Good luck with your business!
Please keep in contact
belaboo Premium
Hi Mark, what beautiful pictures! WA is a great place to be, I hope you have much success with IM.
boundary39 Premium
Hi belaboo,Thanks for your message much appreciated.

Looks as though you have been involved in IM with WA since last year,I hope all is going well for you and with your business.

Your Website looks good, and your Squidoo Lens looks very impressive.
Keep up the good work,and good luck from a fellow IM in the UK