About Burton4550
Joined September 2009
Well, here is a short introduction of myself. I'm Brad and I'm a pretty active person. I always seem to be busy and running around doing something.

I joined about 2 years ago and overwhelmed myself with the info they give you jump around and around until I was completely lost. I'm back now hoping to make out successful this time.

As mentioned throughout many of the WA tutorials, it's a great idea to set up goals. Lately I have come across a fellow WAer "Valeri" who is a very successful and wise marketer and who has lately taught me quite a bit!. Now I have set the same goals and hope to achieve the same success!!..

First Goal:: Get traffic and make first sale " Accomplished"
Second Goal::: Make 100 profit a week "Still in the works :) "

If you set your mind to it and have no doubts, you can truly achieve anything! ;)
Burton4550's Accomplishments

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Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Brad. Just accepted your buddy request. It's nice to be busy, I am also busy all the time :)
burton4550 Premium
Hey there , great to meet you! Thanks for accepting my buddy request. How is your IM going ?
burton4550 Premium
I think that's how mine is going to be to. My keywords are REALLY relevant, and REALLY Targeted! LOL We will see though. I'm just determined to get one damn sale. I don't even care if it's 5 bucks. I wanna see some cash in my Clickbank account. Haha

Those are some good niche choices! I know a guy from a forum that was doing something with music, and was pulling in a decent amount cash from that alone every month.
Felice Yeow Premium
Hi Brad, it's nice meeting you here. How's your IM coming along?
Felice Yeow Premium
That's great. I'm still at the preparation stage for my article marketing. Planning to launch my campaign next weekend, so I need to get my landing page done and get ezine's approval this week yadee yadee yadaa
I did get quite some clicks from my first posted article tho.. Good start.

Gold for you, to your success in PPC!
Felice Yeow Premium
Initially I was planning to do PPC. After talking to several experts, they suggested me to start from Article Marketing to get familiar with IM first. Anyways, I'm pretty fire up with Article Marketing right now... I'm promoting Infertility niche. How about yourself?
Felice Yeow Premium
Great! I discovered STF after I found my own niche. The STF blue print sounds appealing to me. But I guess, it's better for me to stick to one niche for now. I would like to try out the STF blue print later. Do let me know how do you find it after you launch your PPC campaign...
Felice Yeow Premium
Great Great Great! My weekend was busy tho.. I have been busy building my landing page, do some research to get articles done. Yeah, finally my Website is LIVE in the internet. That means.. my fat moolah is coming soon lol
burton4550 Premium
Hi Felice , It's very nice meeting you as well. I finally finished most of the training on here and now im in the process of building my website with SR. So hopefully next week I will have my first PPC campaign up and running and make some mulah. How bout you are you making the big bucks yet ?
burton4550 Premium
Well it sounds like your on the right track! I was going to take the article marketing route as well, but Im kinda impatient so I decided to go PPC. I wanna make some sales ASAP! HAHA! What niche are you promoting?
burton4550 Premium
Yeah I was told to do the same thing, but I figured id be a rebel and just start with PPC LOL! That sounds like a good niche your in, a good one to help people and make some profit! A win win! I decided to do the STF blue print. I have a lot of experience in fitness (weight loss and muscle gain) so even though its highly competive, I still believe I can make a good campaign and help people who are looking to be healthier and in better shape. So we will see. Ya never know until you try =)
burton4550 Premium
Yep it is definitely a good idea to stick to one niche at a time... I finally got my home review page for my website done this weekend and the hosting all set up. Im going to throw into adwords this week,so I'll be sure to keep you updated..

How was your weekend?
burton4550 Premium
Good to here! Congrats on getting your site up and going. By the way, I was going through your blog and sounds like you are on the right track already to make some big bucks. I was very impressed! So here is a lil goldy gold for ya!
Rodrigo Urbina Premium
Hey Brad: How are you man? Your goal sounds great man. You are going to learn a lot here.
Did you start your 8 week action plan?
Any question let me know, OK?
Welcome to WA1
burton4550 Premium
Hello there Rodrigo , I can tell already Im in the right place to learn IM just after only being a member for a day lol.. I did actually start my 8 week action plan yesterday .. So im on track so far anyways. Thanks for the message and I will be sure to ask if I have any questions .