About Felice Yeow
Joined September 2009
I'm Felice from Malaysia, a multiracial country. As I was brought up in a very diverse country, I love meeting people from all over the world, I have great interest in traveling and learning new languages. So, after my high school I studied abroad in Sicily, Italy and that's when I started to embrace international experience. During my study in Italy, I tried my best to learn Italian as well as to eat all delicious food across the country.

Two years later, I came to United States for tertiary education. Now, I am an ambitious student at Georgia Tech, majoring in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Even though 'ENGINEER' seems like a very well-paid job, I still prefer to work for myself. This has led to my involvement in internet marketing.

During my leisure time, I like to surf through the internet to look for some internet marketing tips. Unfortunately, it's really hard to follow those tips without guidance from experienced internet marketer. Also, the guess work has actually taken up most of my time from doing actual work. I'm glad to discover Wealthy Affiliate 'accidentally'. Its powerful resources not only give me the knowledge, it has also boosted my confidence to become one of the successful internet marketers.

Beside of internet marketing, salsa dancing and argentine tango are my other passion in life. I relish the thrill of ballroom dancing because that's my way to find happiness and friendships. Apart from that, I also spend sometime learning French. I think it is the 'sexiest' language in the world. I really like how it sounds and how it is written. A simple "Je t'aime, ma chérie !" can melt my heart =3
Felice Yeow's Accomplishments

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ryan2004a Premium
Hi, Im new here and just trying to make some friends so I wanted to say hi :-D
ryan2004a Premium
I sure have. The way I see it is, the more friends I have here, there better chance I will have of succeeding. I hope to see you around :-)

Gold for you 2! lol
Felice Yeow Premium
Hi Ryan, welcome to WA. Have you started to take action to build your IM Kingdom? If not, you should start it today ^^

Gold for ya, FIRED UP! woohoo...
Felice Yeow Premium
Thanks for the Gold. See you around in WA ^^
Revelation Premium
Glad you found your niche and keywords! Keep going - you are one step closer! :P
Revelation Premium
Yes I am full time - 10 - 12 hours a day. 50/50 as you said on your blog too. So some time is reading and some writing. More writing now that I have direction and all. THANKS FOR THE GOLD! By the way, one of my best online friends is in Malaysia! You girls are too cute ^-^ Cheers to you!
Felice Yeow Premium
Thanks. I read your blog, it's really inspiring. I think I can speed up my progression a little now since you are able to get your $100 sale after joining WA for 15 days. GOOD JOB! Gold for you! Are you doing IM full time currently?
Dazzlecat Premium
Hi and welcome! You sound highly ambitious and very motivated, two ingredients to success in anything so I'm sure you'll do great in internet marketing. Thanks for the great post!
Maghdalena Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate. Hope everything goes well for you! Have you discovered your niche yet and how are you doing in your program? Best wishes and feel free to send a message back to me. I've just decided my niche, but it took a while to find my place what is both lucrative and what I relate to-the weight loss niche. Now to narrow it to a subniche. :)
Again welcome. Feel free to ask a lot of questions in the forum. If I don't know(I'm kind of new to Internet Marketing/Affiliate Marketing myself. I just started studying it last December as a possible way to raise some money for my husband and I and earn a living.
Maghdalena Premium
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate. Hope everything goes well for you! Have you discovered your niche yet and how are you doing in your program? Best wishes and feel free to send a message back to me. I've just decided my niche, but it took a while to find my place what is both lucrative and what I relate to-the weight loss niche. Now to narrow it to a subniche. :)
Again welcome. Feel free to ask a lot of questions in the forum. If I don't know(I'm kind of new to Internet Marketing/Affiliate Marketing myself. I just started studying it last December as a possible way to raise some money for my husband and I and earn a living.