New website, please critique!

Last Update: April 14, 2010

Hello everyone,

I've started a new website called I have been helping some local businesses out in gaining visibility on the web, using what I've learned over the last 4 months or so.

So I thought I would develop a set of services, basic ones, to help any business do the same, although I am planning on keeping it somewhat local for now.

I would really like to know what people think of the site, the appearance etc. It's not complete but you'll see how it looks and "feels". 

I am doing this partly to earn some $ in the shorter term, and because I have noticed that most small businesses around here, even if they have a website, don't really know if they can be found on the net.





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Wootton Premium
I checked out your site and that aint too bad, but there is a little bit of revising that needs to be done.