news for the day

Last Update: March 19, 2010

I posted this on a forum i belong to,, but it sums up where I am at in my training/business:

 I am more or less in the "making some progress" category. I am an unemployed forester in BC but, frankly, am glad to have the chance to move onto something more interesting and better. I love forestry, but the opportunities are so limited it's gotten harder and harder to to the things i love in forestry.

So here's what I have done since being unemployed (Dec2009):
-read and read and read
-joined many lists or groups like this one to learn more
-tried to separate wheat from chaff so i don't waste my time
-depended on the good graces and patience of my wife to make use of this learning time
-bought Microniche Finder for keyword research
-joined Wealthy Affiliate for training, tools and hosting
-bought Web Marketing for Dummies

I feel like I am getting somewhere, but i haven't made any income yet. I think I have keyword and niche research down thanks to microniche finder. It's a fantastic tool, it sits on my computer with all its results, and it's very powerful. And it makes sense. I've tried about six other products, all online stuff, and they just don't give me what this one does. It cost $97US, which I think is a good bargain 'cuz it has lifetime upgrades and the owner is always passing on great free stuff.

Wealthy Affiliate is a good buy too, at $39US a month. There is a pathway with all the tools and help. The "University" has everything that a true university or college course could possibly plus it's not just academic.

There are lots of good books on internet marketing and i've bought "Getting Seen On Google" and "Web Marketing for Dummies". The latter was $37Canadian at Chapters, and is almost 900 pages stuffed with excellently written advice. Plus it comes with a $25 coupon for Adwords.

So i've spent my money wisely, i think. I've been at it, really since Feb 1, 2010, and my goal is to be making SOMEthing by April or my wife and I have agreed it may be time to look at something else. It's hard for her because it a black box, and like most people, the ins and outs of the internet and search engines are just not interesting.

I truly appreciated you email, Lynn. I am on lots of lists, some of the emails i ignore, some i glance at, some I read thoroughly. Yours i read and enjoyed and it brought me here today. I am looking forward to more from you because you are a good writer, smart and you write from the heart! I like heart.

Personal stuff gets in the way for most people, I think, even for the best life coaches and upstanding citizens. I battle custody issues and not seeing my kids enough. Thank goodness I have a step daughter because I am one of those people who likes to care for others. 
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jatdebeaune Premium
Identified with much of what you said. I was led into finding another way of earning because the industry I was in pretty much collapsed, due to Nafta and the economy. As it turns out, it was a blessing. Not that the industry collapsed, but that I was/am forced to stretch, which is a gift. This is your life, nobody else's, so you have to do what you are driven to do. Stick with it. You will come out the other end glad that you did. All the best.
Peedsbornagain Premium
Thanks for the blog too
Peedsbornagain Premium
Best of luck ... Cheeers
Peedsbornagain Premium
You should stay on here for some more time .. this definitely works .. its just a matter of time and Action
Slugger_mn Premium
Good luck with your family I hope it all works out well for you-