The news from April 4 2010

Last Update: April 06, 2010


I have had other committments this past week, but have managed to get a few things done. I have completed lesson 6, set up another website and spent a good deal of time tweaking my other "play" sites.

Wordpress has its challenges, especially when your internet is slow. I found some good themes for promoting affiliate products using wordpress rather than a static website.

Assessed StoreStacker and BlogProfitz and decided to give them both a big thumbs down. The both are from and both have, in my view, some serious limitations.

Storestacker is supposed to help automate setting up an affiliate store but after looking at 40 or so sites set up by different people I decided I didn't like the fact that they all looked the same. 

And, by the way, it's incredible what bad sites people can set up and then wonder why they aren't making money! I mean a page of links does not make for interesting content, you know?!

Blogprofitz got my thumbs down because you are tied into their blog host site, and i just ain't into that.

Now i'm looking at The Affiliator, which is a wordpress theme that comes loaded with plugins and widgets to help you set up a store. I want to be able to develop magazine-style sites for niches. 

Any thoughts anyone?

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