News from a Newbie

Last Update: March 09, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I thought I'd take a moment to say how it's going for me and how I find Wealthy Affiliates.

First of all, I should say that I am gainfully UNemployed... the forest industry is doing very poorly here in BC and I have been aching to do something different with my time and ability for the last 12 months!

I started looking to Internet Marketing last August, and over the course of the next four months there were two products I was interested in, namely Wealthy Affiliates and Micro Niche Finder.

I have a limited budget, especially after being laid off in November, so it's important to me that I spend money smartly. I read countless reviews of many products before settling on these two.

So what do I think of WA? Here are my first impressions after about a week:

  1. there is lots of information, and it's all in one place, and I trust what I am reading.
  2. there are some excellent tools, again, all in one place, and that's helpful for someone new.
  3. I am looking forward to putting up web pages here... I have another host package, but there is so much to learn that I would prefer to put things up here to keep it simple.
  4. The training program is comprehensive, but suffers from a lack of organization.... thinking non-linearly is a great skill, but moving through a training program requires some linearity. I'd suggest starting with the so-called Action Plan and actually making a plan out of it.
  5. The Task List isn't linked to the Action Plan. Seems to me that the Task List should list all of the Training modules so you can check back and work your way through in an orderly manner. Listing outside events like the Paralympics is not very useful to me, and they aren't my tasks.
  6. Some of the training modules are excellent and some leave something to be desired. Someone should check the ones that are rated poorly and do some work on them. Most really are excellent, don't get me wrong, but I worked on one yesterday that was... not.
All in all I am very very glad to be here. It is truly starting to gel for me. My one website/campaign has made it to #6 in google rankings for its main search phrase, and for a true amature I think that is pretty good. My hubpage for the same is the first thing in google below the three lines of ads! So I must be learning something.
My goal for this month? 
  • make a commission or sale or some form of revenue by month's end, 
  • have at least three campaigns underway, 
  • have written at least 20 campaign-related articles submitted to five directories each,
  • have at least 5 articles written for my Suite101 site.
  • make sure my wife is confident in what I am doing! (it's starting to make sense to her too...)
Thanks for reading!

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