Another Day Of It...

Last Update: November 17, 2009

Wow!   I had no idea what a steep steep learning curve is involved in REAL Affiliate Marketing.  But, I hope (for now) I'm in here for the long haul. 

I have just devoted the last couple of days going back and reading, and re-reading and reviewing all the stuff I've read in here.   But, this time, I'm really working at it.  I'm studying and trying to really get the hang of this search engine optimization thing, which for me seems very complex. 

I read other people's comments about how EASY it is... but for me naw! 

It occurred to me today, however, that there's a thought process that has to emerge in order to bring all these tools and resources together, to make you successful at marketing.   And so I've spent the better part of the day just analyzing this keyword business, looking at all the tools, doing various keyword searches, and comparing the numbers, then trying to put all of these components into a logical order that makes sense to me.

I really laughed inside today, as I was trying to work through this exercise, because it's been a lot like getting a taste of my own medicine  (from my teaching days).   I'm having to REALLY STUDY this stuff.

I've really gotten attached to "potpiegirl" and I've looked very closely at all of her stuff.   I believe this lady has it going on and really knows what she's doing.  She also seems to be very big on optimization and this keyword stuff. 

I'm really putting myself through exercises by actually setting up some real camapigns as I go along, in an effort to get some things started,so I can watch for the results.

I used quite a few tools today, to actually look at key words that are relevant to my affiliate programs.   Once I did that, I went on and listed these as meta-tags
for one of my sites (even though I can tell the importance of meta-tags is being de-emphasized in this forum).   After that, I made a landing page and just sort of laid out a road-map I need to follow to get my campaign started.

The last couple of days for me have been just like working a real 9 to 5 J-O-B!


So, even though I want to call it a day, I may do some additional reading tonight. 

Good evening

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