My First Article Published

Last Update: November 25, 2009

Been REAL busy the last few days, trying to get my blog set up, and a few other things going, that I know I must have in place in order to be a successful marketer.

But, the real exciting news is that Ezine Articles accepted my first submission, and I am super happy about that. 

As a matter of fact, they granted me "Expert Author" status, and I will be featured within the next 24 hours.  Isn't that amazing.

The ONLY PROBLEM IS, that in my haste to get articles written and submitted, I used the wrong links, instead of my affiliate links (those I really wanted to promote, they used some of my older links, and so, I lost the opportunity to be exposed for the affiliate programs.  But, now that I know how to do it, I know I can do it again.

In case anybody's interested, the link to the article is below...

As a matter of fact, the text of the entire email is below.... 

Hello Charlotte,

Your article, "How to Safely Store Files Through Web Hosting" - has been accepted and published on

You've also earned Expert Author status:

Your article will appear on our high-traffic home page within 48 hours:

Your article has also been sent to our exclusive EzineArticles RSS
Feed and to our proprietary EzineArticles Email Alert Members.

You are welcome to add one of these special buttons on your
website to show that your articles have been featured on (This was a link to my special "Expert Author" button Page)

To Your Article Marketing Success!
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Honey Premium
Congratulations on your progress Char! You are rolling full steam ahead! Go girl!
Haha, you make it look EASY;-)
Char Premium
I'm tryin' -- real hard
Great job! Keep it up ;-)