Got the SEO-Adwords-PPC Blues....

Last Update: March 09, 2010


Hope this post finds everybody still holding on to faith.  Thankfully, I'm still here, holding on. 

Seems like it's been a very long time since I posted to my blog on WA Spaces. So, I have to update you on what I've been doing.  

Initially, when I first joined WA, I was posting blogs like crazy on my WA Space.  But, lately, it has just been impossible!  Over the past few weeks, I've been reading on Search Engine Optimization, and Adwords in the training modules, and also working on the PPC training modules in the Super Affiliate area, trying to master this thing called PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising.   And believe you me, this has been my GREATEST CHALLENGE.    I am still writing articles, and going back from time to time "tweaking" my websites -- and the one thing that is PAINFULLY CLEAR TO ME is that those web pages MUST BE optimized, or you're going NOWHERE FAST!

BOTTOM LINE, the longer I'm in W-A, the more I study, the more I realize I don't know about IM.    Obviously, I have learned a great deal.  I'm writing articles and they are getting accepted, and I've achieved expert status with article writing -- still struggling with Squidoo from time to time.  But, by far, the most difficult concept to grasp has been adwords, pay-per-click, and search engine optimization.  

On the surface, it is initially difficult to see the connection between the three, but once you really understand what IM is all about, the importance of these three factors begins to gradually unfold.   THEY MUST BE MASTERED -- or you're DOOMED!   How are the three related?   I'll tell you how:   If your keywords are not relevant to your website, and your website is not SEOd, your pay-per-click campaign is going to be TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to what your market is actually searching for and you are going to be off-target with your ads. Bottom line, you are not about to sell ANYTHING!   That has never been more clear to me than today, when I downloaded a program called WEB CEO, that has the capability to analyze your website, and tell you if your site is optimized and specifically what is wrong with your SEO.  I learned about WEB CEO through PotPieGirl's blog, and downloaded it.  It is a very valuable resource.  Essentially, I did a trial run, analyzing all of my websites, and boy, what a BIG disappointment! 

Amazingly, it is entirely possible for you to understand (with your intelligence) what SEO is all about, and know the elements of it, and what you need to do to optimize your site, and yet still have your site be way off the mark (duhhh!).  

So, what this has told me is that I have a lot of work to do.   It's all the way back to the drawing board with most of my websites, optimizing them and then re-working my pay-per-click ad campaigns.  (No wonder my Clickbank sales are so skimpy!)    Not something I look forward to doing, but it must be done!

Therefore, don't look to hear from me again, until I've gotten all of this stuff right.

Best of luck to each of you in your endeavors

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Char Premium
HI Jayme: How are you? Thanks so much for your post.
Yes, I got the free version of WEB CEO off of's
website. Try Clicking Here If this link doesn't work, just go to and click on the tab across the top of her webpage titled "Free SEO Software." Lots of luck....
Char Premium
HI Jayme: How are you? Thanks so much for your post.
Yes, I got the free version of WEB CEO off of's
website. Try Clicking Here If this link doesn't work, just go to and click on the tab across the top of her webpage titled "Free SEO Software." Lots of luck....
newwave1972 Premium
Hey there there this is Jayme aka newwave1972 could you tell me a little more about the Web CEO I am very interested in it.