Unbelievable Reactions - Be Careful How You Ask for Advice

Last Update: June 19, 2012
Lately i started a new project.

I found some good keywords with a decent amount of traffic and not that much competition as i couldn´t beat. Its in the archery niche, and four of the keywords i initally found are buying ones (buy arrow and bow, buy compoundbow, buy longbow, buy recurvebow). I tought - Umm nice, Archery equipment is pretty expensive, so it whould be worth the time.

I do marketing in german, so im not that afraid to share.

I then did some research, to get a basic understanding of archery and i found its best for beginners when they go into a club and try it out themselfes, bevor they buy some own equipment.

So the base line, and only real advice of all my articles on my page, is exactly that. I tought i will optimize it anyway (im on page 1 and 2 for my keywords, and i only did some bookmarks till now) and then try to make a little money with adsense.

A) because i dont feel competent to give any equipment advice or opinion - its extremely technical, especially the compoundbow - and b) because all the PRO´s say beginners should start with a visit at an archery club.

But i was not really shure if my posts really was correct as they where - So i decidede to regster to an archery forum and ask for tipps, opinions and advice (they have a section especially to discuss homepages).

So i asked into this Forum for help. First they was all helpful and cheering, said: You have to tweak this and that a little bit, but its a good job and the right direction.

Then somebody asked, if i myself do archery, and what the matter of my site is.

I did not think a moment of not saying the truth - Why should i?

But the anger that was brought up against me from this point on, is hard to describe. In a sudden, my whole site was crap, and i anyways have no idea from what i was talking, so i should better take this site down - That was the bottom line in the end...

So, what should i do if i get in such a situation again? Telling them upfront i want to make money with this site, and then asking for advice? How are you doing this?

Greetings, Peter

P.S. If you find some spelling errors, you can keep them - sry ^^
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Chill85 Premium
Thanks @ all for the cheerful words :)
I also discovered your post (https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_spaces_profile/index/pid/42363) Gareth, and it was a really impressive metaphor
jchilders Premium
Depending on the subject, people will react differently. Some people are EXTREMELY passionate about their hobby to the point of elitism..they feel unless you are into as much as them then you shouldn't be allowed to say anything.

Or..they might have been upset thinking that you were taking the free tips and advice they gave and going to make money off it.

If I'm on a forum looking for information for a niche, I usually just keep quiet and read what others are asking, saying, etc.
garethb Premium
I never understand why people think they are being used when in reality they are being helped. I've had this happen to me many times. You learn to live with it. I've learned to be stealthy.
BIS Premium
Hi Peter
Do you have to have done something to talk about it? Of course you don't, but in certain areas people will take the attitude that there is a credibility issue if you haven't done it yourself. In your example I don't think the people you would have encoutered in the forums would have acted any differently if you had said upfront you were doing it to earn money. They probably would have turned on you more quickly. - The solution - I'm not sure - I think you will have to do what feels instinctively right for you.

Best wishes

karrilee Premium
People can be so strange when it comes to making money. If they don't have the entrepreneurial mindset. They are different creatures,lol. I ran a moms group a few years ago, a meetup. Put in hundreds of hours organizing it, promoting it to get members, holding events, designing the site. Had over 600 members and over 400 events in the first year. Then I decided to start offering local businesses advertising space on the site. The backlash from the group was incredible. I couldn't believe they begrudged me making any money although it wouldn't change the dynamic of the group or the website one iota... I eventually just shut down the entire thing, didn't need the headache or people trying to tell me how to run something that I started or that I couldn't profit from it. I say poop on them just ignore :) Sounds like you have a great thing going. Good for you. Also, why not just come here for advice. There must be people in every industry within WA
garethb Premium
What an unreal story. Glad you keep going and don't give up.