About Chill85
Joined August 2009
Hi there, my name is Peter

I'm 24 years old and live in Leuggern, Switzerland. My Hobbys are Didgeridoo and Drums, my girlfriend, my male cat "Milo", reading, and some more.

I started to want working from home about half a year ago. I was unemployed since then and tried first some paidmailers to make a bit extra money. But most of them don't pay that good and it wasn't even worth the time to klick trough the hundreds of mails i got.

Some times (and an e-mail adress change) later i heard the first time about GDI and their affiliate program. I joined and tryed to get some people for my downline, but no matter what i tried, no one seemed to care about GDI.

So i started to look out for more informations about marketing in the internet, but all results i got, was the latest e-books of some "guru's" and that the successfully marketers don't sell anything except themselves in the first row. Good to know info for later, but at start, without knowledge about almost anything, a little bit difficult...

And then finally i came to Tissa's Acme People Search affiliate program and in consequence, i came here to WA too. I'm a member since yesterday, but i have the feeling they was the best 39 $ i ever spent on anything in the internet! I'm willing to learn and i have enough time to do so.

I look confidently at the future and who knows, with all that good informations around here, maybe i will be the next "Internet Millionaire" at some time =)

P.S. Sorry if my english isn't perfect, my mother language is german and i hadn't any english in school.
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stadium Premium
I really prefer the hairless breeds
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Bigman Premium
Hi Peter, how are you doing.
Terry Neal Premium
Welcome to WA , you can make it just don't quit !
Hey Peter! My name's Dave, I'm also a musician. I sure can't play the Didgeridoo though! I'm of German heritage and I've learned a little German over the years, I would love to get better at it though. My problem is that I don't have anyone to talk in German to! Talk to ya later!