What do You Call Success?

Last Update: June 21, 2012
Hey, its me again

I know how really great it felt, as i made my very first sale... =D It was "just" 25 bucks - But at the same time it was the ultimate proof for me, this "online thing" really works. Thats about two and a half years ago now.

I did not made a success post back then, because i wanted to accomplish more of my own goals first. But instead of working further in this direction and build up my success, i got distracted from shiny things...

I searched a shortcut, as many of us do.

But hey, what do you call it, if in the end you have a payment per hour of 80 to 100 $ ?? With my first site i built two years ago i even made over 120$ per hour work untill today. In comparision to my payment at my everyday offline job (about 25$ per hour) i whould call it a improvment, and if you consider that you´ll have to work 4 times less for the same amount of money, i whould even call it a shortcut.

I finally made a success post now, to inspire people keep working in one direction and don´t be distracted. You can find it here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=95503

Have a nice day :)
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Chill85 Premium
Thanks - I will, at the moment im working 5 to 8 hours a day on it :)
veronica.l Premium
Good job Peter!! Keep working towards your goals!
muskyblood Premium
Congratulations!! Keep it rolling now :)