Well, I am Starting Over!

Last Update: June 01, 2010

Well, I am Starting Over!

I have made exactly $5981.50 from ClickBank since July 24, 2009 and i am going to dump all of these campaigns and start over. You see I found a couple of lucky key words that related directly to d diet product and I exploited them by writing articles. One article alone was receiving 10,000 hits a month in the first two months of my campaign. I thought I was on the way to wealth!

What I didn't realize was that I was squandering a great opportunity. I simply wrote the articles, sent traffic to the diet sales page. (I figured the articles were pre-sales enough) and collected the money.

What I didn't do was build a list, explore new keywords, establish a blog or any of the other things I should have. And once the keywords ran their course the well suddenly went dry. Sure my articles are still on the first page of Google and often still in the number one spot, but it is obvious that no one is searching that term anymore.

I even finally got a blog and have it at number 1 on Yahoo, Ask, and Altavista for the keywords, but alas no one is searching those keywords any more and I am dumping the whole campaign.

This time I am starting over and I am going to follow Kyles instructions to the letter. I am going to promote WA and in fact I have a blog set up with a list. Once I learn how to really market and not just get lucky with keywords I will expand to other products.

My only regret is the wasted opportunity I had because I became myopic over 3 successful keywords. Folks, don't put your eggs in one basket no matter how lovely it looks

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jatdebeaune Premium
If you found those keywords, then you'll find more. I have complete faith you'll hit another home run.
I use Word Press for most of my landing pages and squeeze pages. If you type in free squeeze page into google you will get several great templates. Load those into komposer and fix them up the way you want them and then transport the whole thing to a Word Press page.
maureenhannan Premium
Good luck, and thanks for the words of wisdom. Do you have any favorite resources for landing page creation? ~ Maureen
Garage667 Premium
Wish you the best of luck for starting over.It needs a lot of courage you know but i believe this time you know better,right?