About me

Last Update: September 19, 2010

Hello all!  I am the mother of an 18 year old daughter who is going on 30(she thinks) and  I am married to a man who I have been with for many years.  We live in Texas and have been here all our lives.  Love it here and can't imagine living anywhere else.  I wanted to get into AM because every JOB I have had since 2002 has been horrible, usually due to bad management.  Plus, I am very fascinated by the concept.  When I first heard that people could make money online by selling other peoples products, I did not believe it.  I do now, and am ready to get started.

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jatdebeaune Premium
I sympathize with what you said. We IM'ers are the new frontiersmen. Pretty exciting! I wish you all the best.
Moonstone Premium
Welcome to WA
maureenhannan Premium
Lovely to meet you! I wish you every success. ~ Maureen
Penelope Premium
Hello, I am originally from Arkansas but have lived near Dallas for a long time.
I wish you much success.
Shaselle Premium
Half of our success is mental and half is equipping yourself, immerse yourself in learning the system, act on it and you will see buds coming and fruits overflowing. Good luck!