I Quit!!

Last Update: March 31, 2010

Today was just one of those days...

I was feeling bad because my application was rejected in CJ for a certain product that I was sooo excited to sell. 

Then I started to feel like a failure.

A loser.

And I wanted to quit. 

Quit this whole Internet Marketing thing. Because it's "too hard." 

Then I remembered something. 

I remember how there are days with my kids that are "too hard." (Today being one of them.) And I remember how I want to sometimes run off to some far away tropical island and quit being a mom. 

Then I remembered I CAN'T stop being a mom. I can't just run away. 

Things are tough sometimes. But that doesn't mean you quit. 

You keep going anyway. 

And that is how I feel about IM today. 

I want to quit. But I can't. I HAVE to keep going. 

My kids and IM are kind of the same. They drive me insane, but they are my life. No matter how hard things are, they will always put a smile on my face at the end of the day.

So, for anyone else out there that feels like you want to quit...I understand. But shake it off and know that quitting is NOT an option.

Then KEEP GOING! :) 

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sox1n05 Premium
Gosh - I HATE days like that!!! But you're right - you just want to pack it in and stop. At the end of the day though, I couldn't imagine NOT doing internet marketing today, tomorrow, or the next day. It's like I'm an addict or something! Cheer up and screw that product for now. There are plenty of things that you can do. Thanks for the nice post!!
Shadders Premium
Just had to read....., because of the title! Must never quit. Keep smiling and working hard.
andys43us Premium
Quitting is not an option. Great post. :)
jeffrey73 Premium
Great Title! That really "sucked" me in to read this blog. Very inspirational! :)
:-). thanks