A Slow Start

Last Update: March 08, 2010

I am now into my third month of WA membership. So far the only money I have made is by buying a couple of CB products to make sure the system worked and I got the commission. Any of that sound familiar?

Funny thing is, with each passing day I am more certain that I can do this. So while the online marketing bank account reads zero now, and may for a while longer, I do not feel that I am wasting my time, though I'll admit I have been long on the "learning" side of the equation, and a little short on the "doing" side.

I'm sure I'm not so different than many others who were at first overwhelmed when they joined WA. It took days, maybe weeks before I started to block out what was for a total newbie info that could wait for later, and started to work on what I needed to do to get started.

I do not kid myself that the few articles I have written to date, and the Blogger blog I have started are works of art. In fact they stink. But, I learned how to do these things. I consider myself a good writer so ultimately I expect the content to be no problem.

My next step is to get started on producing a webpage and start building a meaningful number of backlinks. When I have something, I'll let you know. But just wanted to get it out there that the learning process may take a lot greater percentage of your time early on. That is not necessarily a bad thing. 

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DABK Premium
Hi. I'm in my third month, more of a learner than a doer anyway. The first things I did stink, and I now know why.
But I do have one website, and it's made me 13 bucks, so now I'm eagarly awaiting the arrival of the 14th buck.
And of course, getting ready for the next site. Maybe it will be a blog. I feel words welling up inside... Lots of them.