Nobody asked me but

Last Update: March 30, 2010

...there are some things about this whole IM thing that strike me as strange.

For instance, I am sure that a lot of people are making good money selling Wealthy Affiliate memberships. And, to tell the truth, I hope to do that some day too. But for now I am relatively new, and I have this thought that keeps going around in my head that goes something like this--

If the way to make money on the internet is to sell stuff that tells people how to make money on the internet, than is there really a business here?

Now before you brand me a subversive, be aware that I do believe there is a business here, and I do believe that selling products that  teach how to make money on line is a legitimate way to earn a living. 

It's just that before I go on to sell things like WA, or OWM, or 4DMMB or even my own product for making $ on the web, I need to know that I can sell stuff that has nothing to do with that. I need some sales from "Magic of Making Up," or "Rocket Spanish," or "Woodworkin4Home" and the like to prove that for me, there is a real business here.

Somehow telling people how to make dough on the web just doesn't work for me, if I can't make it by selling these other type of products. So for the moment, I am in the world of selling CB products that have nothing to do with making money on line, because until I prove that that works for me, I can't bring myself to tell other people they should join WA as great as I believe it to be, or to buy OWM and whatnot.

Maybe I'm stupid, but that's the way it is.

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DABK Premium
I've sometimes wondered the same. Also about making loads of money in real estate, direct marketing, etc.
I took your position. I will sell WA as soon as I have one sale of something else. Great minds think alike?
jatdebeaune Premium
You're not stupid at all. There are some people who are excellent at teaching IM. Thank God for them, otherwise I don't know where I would be. But not everybody needs to, nor should they sell these products. I am so far from being an expert on IM, that I prefer to leave the "learn Internet Marketing" niche to someone who knows something. Sure, I can help. But am no expert. You should pursue what you know the most about and truly enjoy. The guys here say there is a market for every niche.